
Updates on awesome work done by C2B2 lab members!

C2B2 goes to ABS!

Summer 2024

 Lab members and alum traveled to London ON for the Animal Behavior Society meeting . Rachel and Qian Qian presented their work on cat music, Aiko presented her thesis work, and all of us talked about primate cognition at the ABS outreach fair at the local children's museum.! 

Congratulations Aiko!

Spring 2024

Congratulations to Aiko for defending her master's thesis Social factors variably predict salivary cortisol in tufted capuchin monkeys (Sapajus apella)!

Graduation 2024!

Spring 2024

Congratulations to all of our ANBE graduates (pictured and not pictured), especially lab member Jordana! We will miss you! Excited to see where you go next!

Conferences 2024!

Spring 2024

Jordana and Brie present their AsiaNetwork student faculty fellows project at the AsiaNetwork conference in Atlanta!

Jordana presented her work on judgment bias in monkeys at the International Conference on Comparative Cognition in Albuquerque, we saw a road runner, and had a mini Hampton lab reunion!

Kalman 2024!

Spring 2024

Jordana and Brie present their AsiaNetwork student faculty fellows project, and Aiko presents a talk on her masters thesis work at the annual on-campus Kalman research symposium!

Finally Japan!

Summer 2023

C2B2 members Jordana, Brie, Christian, and Grace were FINALLY able to take our trip to Japan funded by the AsiaNetwork Student Faculty Fellowship we received in 2020.  We met up with lab alum Casey who was living there through the JET program! Thanks to Ikuma and his amazing lab for hosting us at EHUB for the summer!

Congratulations to Andrew!

Spring 2023 

Congratulations to Andrew for defending his masters thesis Effects of Social Context on Salivary Cortisol and Attention in Tufted Capuchins, presenting his research at CO3,  and graduating with his masters degree!

Congratulations Graduates!

Spring 2023

Congratulations to all of our ANBE graduates, and especially C2B2 lab members Grace, Christian, and Claudia!

Congrats to Claudia for her new job as associate animal care trainer for mammal and birds at the New York Aquarium, and Maggie for heading to veterinary school in Dublin!


Spring 2023

Christian presents his research poster Verification of Scratching as a Behavioral Marker of Stress in Tufted Capuchin Monkeys (Cebus [Sapajus] apella) at the on-campus Kalman research symposium in spring 2023. 

CO3 2023!

Spring 2023

C2B2 lab members, alum, and Bucknell animal behavior alum at the  International Conference on Comparative Cognition  in Melbourne Beach Florida, 2023!

Spring 2022

Congrats to Casey for successfully defending her honors thesis Winner and Loser Effect Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches (Gromphadorina portentosa) , AND accepting a position teaching English in Japan with the JET program!

Spring 2022

Congrats to Macy for successfully defending her honors thesis Conditioned territorial Defense in Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches (Gromphadorina portentosa) , AND accepting a job at Merck Animal Health! 

Spring 2022

Congrats to Rachel, QianQian, and Julia for presenting their research on cat music to the volunteers at The Scratching Post cat cafe!

Excellent presentations by the lab at the Kalman symposium this weekend! 

     Great job Rachel, Julia, QianQian, Miranda, Macy, and Casey!

-Congratulations to Miranda for presenting an excellent poster on her summer research with Madagascar hissing cockroaches!

Summer 2021

Annnnnd were back!

Christian, Grace, and Hannah on our first day of wet lab work. 

Happy Women in Science day to all the amazing women who have come through the lab over the years! Science wouldnt be science without you!

Spring 2021

-Congrats Gryff for an excellent virtual honors thesis defense! 

-Congrats to Scott for getting into the masters program in Animal Behavior and Conservation at Hunter College!

Spring 2020

-OMG we are going to JAPAN! Congrats to Casey, Macy, Grace, and Kailyn on all their hard work in crafting an excellent application for the ASIANetwork Student Faculty fellows program! Our project, Epistemology of primatology in Japan and the US will take us to PRI in Inuyama for for summer 2021!

-Congrats to Mikayla for getting into ALL THE MED SCHOOLS! You rock!

Fall 2019

-Gryff presenting their research at the Psychology Department Poster session before heading off to Tanzania for the spring:

Summer 2019

-CONGRATS Scott on your new position working with Great Apes at the National Zoo!

-Welcome to the lab Macy, Kailyn, Christian, and Grace, and welcome back Casey!

-Allie's honors thesis project has been accepted for publication in the American Journal of Primatology! Congrats to Allie and Corinne on their first publication!

Spring 2019

- CONGRATS Allie on earning an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship and being admitted to Duke for graduate school!

- CONGRATS Julie on successfully defending her masters thesis AND getting a job teaching at Duke TIP!

-CONGRATS Katie and Scott on graduating! We will miss you!

Spring 2018

- CONGRATS Allie on successfully defending her honors thesis!

-Congrats Mikalya for being accepted to an awesome summer internship at Georgetown AND earning a PUR at Bucknell!

-Julie, Mikayla, and Allie presented their research at the annual Kalman Research Symposium:

-Congrats to recent graduate Corinne on landing an awesome job with Environment America! Good luck Corinne!

Fall 2017

-Congratulations to Corrine for successfully defending her honors thesis and graduating! We will miss you!

-Corinne, Allie, Katie, and Meredith present their research at the North Eastern Evolutionary Primatology Conference at Yale

Summer 2017:

-Griff and Katelyn presenting their STEM Scholar summer research at the Bucknell summer poster session:

-Congrats to Alison for getting her honor's thesis work accepted for publication in Learning & Behavior!

-Allie and Corinne present their research at the International Animal Behavior Society meeting in Toronto!

Spring 2017:

-Congrats to Meredith on her graduation! Shes off to Madagascar to study lemurs! 

-Congrats Corinne on receiving summer funding from BU Animal Behavior to continue her research!

-Congrats to Allie for her summer internship working with monkeys at Yerkes National Primate Research Center in Atlanta!

-Meredith and Dr. Gazes teach kids about comparative cognition at the Space Coast March for Science.

-Congrats to Scott for receiving an Emerging Scholar in Psychology research fellowship for this summer!

-Corinne and Meredith present their research at the Kalman research symposium:

Winter 2017:

- Congrats Meredith for accepting a position in a PhD program. UC Davis Animal Behavior, here she comes!

-Congrats Alum Jennifer for being accepted to Colorado State University's Zoo Management grad program! 

-Have fun studying abroad in the Galapagos Allie!

Summer 2016:

    -Congrats to Meredith for being a student finalist for her poster presentation at the International Primatological Society Meeting in Chicago! 

   -Congrats Jennifer for being selected as this years graduation speaker and for giving an amazing animal behavior themed speech!

    -Congrats to Alison for winning the Miller Prize for her Honors thesis The influence of task specific factors on quantity discrimination by brown             capuchin (Cebus apella) and squirrel monkeys (saimiri sciureus), and for heading off to Vet school at U Penn this fall!

    -Congrats to Corinne and Chelsea for receiving PUR fellowships to continue their research this summer!

4/2016: Allie and Corinne present their research at the Kalman Research Symposium!

4/2016: Jennifer presents her research at the Social Sciences Poster session!

1/2016: Congrats to Alison for getting into some awesome Vet Schools!

12/2015: Corinne (& Allie) presented a poster on their behavioral work with capuchins at the Social Sciences and Psychology Department Poster sessions

11/2015: Alison's honors thesis proposal is approved with no changes!

7/2015: Niara presents her research at the Sigma Xi poster session!

4/2015: Corinne awarded the Emerging Scholars in Psychology fellowship for summer research!

3/2015: Alison awarded a PUR (Program in Undergraduate Research) fellowship to continue to research in the lab this summer!