
Remote Learning -March 2020

Hello Room 11 Families!

Our 2nd Grade Team is trying to get more learning opportunities available to your children as we work through this very difficult time. I am planning to put information here on my website as well as email things to you and to the kids. Please be patient with me. This will take time. I am trying to learn new ways to connect to the kids through the internet as well as take the (very important) time to call kids on the phone. I want you to know that I recognize how difficult this must be for all of you. Our school wants to be a resource for you as much as possible. Please email me directly if there is anything we can do to help. I will try to get answers to the best of my ability. I am working from home for now.

Teachers will have office hours. (This includes all teachers in Buckeye Union) :

Monday-Friday 8:30-10:30 and 12:30-2:30. You can reach me by email rhoffman@buckeyeusd.org

I have created a phone call schedule so that I can call my students and check in on a regular basis. I will be calling from home and will come up as "No Caller ID" click here

Did you pick up your child's bag?

They are available at school. They include workbooks we will use and their nametag with their login information on the back.

Here is a suggested home learning schedule.

NO obligation to follow it click here

If you have internet access, have you helped your child to log in to their gmail and Clever account? (If you are having trouble with this step, send me an email: rhoffman@buckeyeusd.org

I have created a Google Classroom. I would like all kids who have internet access to get on to Google Classroom. I would like to link some teaching videos there as well as some videos of me reading aloud. This is one place kids will be turning in their work to me.

To get to Google Classroom: 1. Log in to Google account. 2. Go to the waffle in upper right hand corner. Look for the Google Classroom icon (I think it's green and there is a person icon on it. It looks like a chalkboard. ) Click on that. There is a class code that is in my original email from 2nd Grade. Our class code is by my name at the bottom. (Please email me if you are having trouble with this. rhoffman@buckeyeusd.org )

I want to start sending the kids emails on their buckeye email accounts. Most of the kids know their email addresses. The formula is: lastnamefirstinitiallunchcode@buckeyeusd.org password: birthmonthbirthday (please email me if you are having trouble with this. rhoffman@buckeyeusd.org)

I have updated the reading levels for Raz Kids. I believe the kids can download Raz Kids and bookmark it. If they need me to adjust their level, they can let me know by emailing me.

Class login is on the back of their nametags.

Epic Books is allowing kids to access their accounts from home for free. I will send a separate email regarding that. Kids can access Epic Books by downloading the website and putting in our class code.

That's way more than enough for now! I apologize if that was overwhelming. I want to just provide these resources. Please take care of yourselves. As I said earlier, we want to be here for you. Please email me.

~Ms. Hoffman