The Referendum

The Referendum 

On 2/26/15, Board voted to approve a newly revised version of the BSC Bylaws (; as this proposal would modify the voting rights of our members, it must ultimately be approved by the membership via a system-wide referendum. 

For this vote to be valid, at least 50% of members must vote in the referendum, and at least 50% of the units must have at least 10% of their members voting.  

For this vote to pass, at least 60% of the votes must be affirmative. 

The referendum voting period has begun and it will remain open for a total of three weeks, ending on 3/19/15.  We will be circulating more information on the referendum throughout the voting period, and we encourage you to continue to check out this website (and check back, too; we'll be updating with more hopefully-helpful resources as we begin to hear back with questions from our fellow members.  

The short-form url for this website is; also, IACom's google site contains past meeting minutes, work-in-progress drafts, and even more info regarding the process that led to this proposal:

Finally, your unit Directors are your best source of information on these changes, so attend their workshops and ask them questions. Representatives from IACom will also be coming to your house dinners and councils over the next three weeks to talk about these changes and to hear your concerns. Any other questions or thoughts you might have can be sent to

This is an exciting time for the BSC; thank you for taking a moment to peruse this website and arm yourself with the info you need to make a decision on this issue; we hope, of course, that you will take that final step and exercise your direct democratic right as a member of this cooperative by voting in the referendum.

Voter Information Guide |... Referendum | Spring 2015