Research interests

Research interests and publications

General Research Area: Harmonic Analysis, Complex Analysis, and Operator Theory

Brief Research Summary: My research interests lie in the intersection of Harmonic Analysis, Complex Analysis and Operator Theory. Many problems I am working on have their origin in applications, such as Control Theory (H-infinity control, etc.), Stationary Random Processes.

My earlier research dealt with Hankel and Toeplitz operators, functional models of operators, spectral decompositions of operators, spectral theory of matrix- and operator-valued functions.

Another direction of research concerned the Corona Problem and related topics, in particular the relations between the Corona Problem and geometry of Hermitian bundles.

More recent research projects involve classical and non-classical harmonic analysis, such as: Bellman function, weighted norm inequalities for singular integral operators, matrix Ap weights, wavelet and frame decompositions, Calderon--Zygmund operators on non-homogeneous spaces. Some of the projects in this directions deal multi-parameter harmonic analysis.

Perturbation theory of linear operators and connections with singular integral operators is another direction of my research. Among recent projects in this direction are matrix-valued Clark Theory and Aronszajn--Donoghue theory for the finite rank perturbations.

The papers below give you general idea of my recent research projects.

My PhD Thesis

If you are interested, the link is here. Is is in Russian, no English translation, sorry.

Recent papers

All my recent papers are posted on the ArXive, so I am no longer posting the papers on my page.

You can follow this link to get to the ArXive page with my papers

Older papers

Below are the older, previously posted papers, I am not removing any links, since not all of them are available in the ArXive. Clicking on a link brings you either to an ArXive page with the paper or to a page with short abstract (sometimes there is no abstract) and links to .dvi , .ps and .PDF files with the text.