Jordan Kostiuk

Senior Lecturer, Department of Mathematics at Brown University

Kassar House 218

I am a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Mathematics at Brown University. I believe that mathematics is an empowering subject and that everyone is capable of meaningful and joyful mathematical experiences. Educating myself and working to create spaces that facilitate such experiences for all of my students is the central focus of my work at Brown. 

My current educational interests revolve around the implementation of Team Based Inquiry Learning (TBIL) in introductory courses and its impacts on student engagement and motivation. Resources for instructors seeking to implement TBIL are linked above and the results of my inquiries into student learning are linked to on this site. 

I was born and raised in Edmonton, Alberta and I was granted my Ph.D. from the University of Alberta in 2018 for my work on "Geometric Variations of Local Systems," under the supervision of Charles Doran. My mathematical research interests are focused in two different areas: the mathematics arising from the study of supersymmetry and the study of local systems arising from families of geometric objects. The mix of tools that I use from algebra, geometry, and number theory are often applicable to problems in both of these areas, despite the two fields being so different.