What is the purpose of the Brown Club?

Brown Alumni tend to follow diverse and unconventional pathways. We focus on high quality events and programming as a way to bring alumni together and strengthen our ties to each other and to the university. We support Brown alumni in the Houston area and develop opportunities for alumni to connect, network and share experiences.

Who runs the Brown Club?

The club is run by a board of alumni. We work closely with Alumni Relations and other Brown alumni groups to coordinate and sponsor social, cultural, professional and educational events and opportunities in the Houston area.

What are some ways you can become involved?

1) Attend events with your alumni friends and family!

2) Submit panel and event ideas

3) Offer to organize or support events or initiatives

4) Offer to contribute or help manage digital content / communications

5) Contribute prizes and award incentives

6) Contribute your time to sit on a panel or host an event

7) Join the Brown Club of Houston Board

Why should you participate with the Brown Club?

  • Complement your professional and personal endeavors

  • Network with alumni in your community

  • Build new friendships

  • The opportunity to work with Brown alumni is always enriching

How do you become a member?

You already are! Anybody who attended Brown is a member. You don’t need to pay for your membership. Stay active by keeping your personal Brunonia profile information up-to-date, and saving our email to your white list.

How often does the organizing Board meet?

The Board meets monthly virtually and as needed to plan events. For more information on becoming a board member, please email us.

Can I still be a member of the club if I do not live in Houston?

Of course! Any Brown alumni or parent of a Brown student is welcome to join us. Subscribe through your myBrown profile at the Alumni & Friends website or email alumni_records@brown.edu (even if not an alum) and request to Opt-In to receiving our emails.

How do I find out about upcoming events?

Make sure to keep your alumni profile up-to-date by logging into myBrown to self-update or by emailing alumni_records@brown.edu with all updates. We also post announcements to our Facebook and Instragram. Join and follow us!

Don't see your question?

Email us! BrownClubofHouston@alumni.brown.edu