Job Guidelines

Jobs will be kept for about 1 month.

Students MAY apply for and hold more than one job as long as they don't interfere with each other.

How to apply:

  • Complete an online application OR Complete a paper application

  • Falsifying information on your application will result in you not getting a job.

If you fail to complete your job:

  • 1st time is a warning and discussion with Ms. Rodgers

  • 2nd time you are fired

What if you get fired?

  • Collect unemployment, which is $100/week (You are still expected to help out around the classroom)

  • Must submit unemployment verification before each week.

  • Someone else will be assigned to the job you lost.

  • You can apply for a new job the next month.

What to spend your money on?

  • Income Taxes

  • (Medicare & SS will also be deducted from paychecks)

  • Special privileges

  • Possible auction/store items at the end of the 9 weeks.