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NEW!!! E-books that you can read without having to check out. Read the same book as your friends!
The books change all the time, so take notice how long the book you want to read will be there. And check back to see new titles
Jason Reynolds explains why it's important for young people to read.
Jason Reynolds explains why it's important for young people to read.
Researchitct' s Audio & E-book Service - You can access from anywhere in the state of CT or with your library card
Researchitct' s Audio & E-book Service - You can access from anywhere in the state of CT or with your library card
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Follow us on Instagram at @whisconierlmc
We in the WMS Library Media Center are here to help foster the love of reading,
to assist in research and to create responsible digital citizens
for the 21st Century
Follow us on Instagram: @whisconierlmc