Math Fact Fluency

HHES Fact Fluency Assessments

Third Grade:

Expectations for Students: Prior to entering third grade, students should know from memory all of the addition and subtraction facts to 20 without the use of manipulatives [note – there may be exceptions i.e. students with special needs]

Students will receive multiplication and division quizzes 2 times each per trimester beginning with the 2nd trimester. They will have 1 minute to answer 20 questions.

I suggest practicing math fact fluency regularly. Begin with addition, twice weekly. Once those facts are mastered, add on subtraction facts, twice weekly (keep doing those addition facts also). Be sure to go out to the hundreds place, and for a challenge, go to the thousands place! Add on multiplication then division when ready. Use flash cards, board games, websites, apps, etc.

Below you will find attachments: multiplication/division mixed and addition/subtraction mixed. I listed the number of pages in each attachment name.

Try these websites for practice:

Printable flash cards are here