
Homework will consist of your child reading the "Just Right" book he/she brings home each night Monday through Thursday. Please remember that homework should be a time for your child to feel successful and proud of everything he/she can do! Most of the books will have been practiced several times in Reading Workshop throughout the week during Independent or Partner Reading, so your child should be able to read most of the books brought home with ease, confidence, and fluency (appropriate speed and with expression and attention to punctuation). In some books your child may still have difficulty reading some of the words when they bring it home to you, and that is okay too. The reading process varies from child to child, so depending on what level they are currently working at, those will be the books he/she will bring home. The text they bring home is going to be neither too hard or too easy but just right for them during that particular week of Reading Workshop. Please know that I am regularly teaching, assessing, re-teaching and re-assessing your children so they should almost always be at their Just Right level (even if you think the books they bring home are 'too easy," it may be because I have worked with them using that book several times or maybe the words are easy for them but the comprehension piece of reading is what we are working on). Feel free to email me with any questions or comments about that throughout the year!

If your child is having difficulty understanding a particular concept in Math at any point throughout the year, unfinished work may be sent home to be completed for practice so that you are aware of which concepts your child may be struggling to master. Any and all extra practice will be helpful.

Thank you in advance for your support in helping the children to recognize the importance of short homework for success in Reading and Math!