Growth Mindset

Did you know that there is no such thing as a "math" person. Brain scientists have learned that all students have the ability to learn math, but mindset has a great deal to do with success. Please take the time to peruse the following sites and watch some of the videos. You won't regret it.

Sites to Visit:

Creative Mindset Mathematics - Jo Boaler and Stanford University work together to promote a new way of teaching math.

Your guide to helping kids learn math. - Anthony Persico is a teacher who has made it his mission to reviving students' passion and interest for learning


Mindset Videos:

Jo Boaler Ted Talk - How you can be good at math and other surprising facts about learning

Class Dojo - Growth mindset videos for students.

Pathway's to transform mindset - Work smarter, not harder

Four Steps to Developing a Growth Mindset - Learn ways to develop your growth mindset

Effort, Strategies, and Help - Identifying the tools to help yourself

Accept or Avoid Challenges - Do you see challenges as something to avoid or overcome?

Failure = Learning - Changing a fixed mindset to a growth mindset

Success through Effort - John Legend talks about overcoming rejection

Growth Mindset in the Classroom - How students at Caparral Elementary School see Growth Mindset