Post date: Apr 06, 2013 4:9:13 AM

This Filter is for "interactive" editing of Raspberry Pi worlds from within MCEdit. This gives you access to all the schematics and builds currently available in the Minecraft community. Neat-o.

To install - 

1. Copy this filter into the MCEdit filters directory. The download is at the bottom of this page.

2. Copy the mcpi/api/python/mcpi directory over to a filters\minecraft directory, which you must create.

3. Run the filter and select the hostname of your Raspberry Pi where a Minecraft Pi game is in progress.

For usage notes, see below.

NOTE - still some work to do to correctly position the extract around the player position. Currently centred on the origin 0,0,0. Use the 'X, Y, Z' filter parameters to apply offsets to the box.

MCEdit has a rich set of features as well as community supplied filters. The purpose of MCEDITRPI is to write the current selection box out to the Minecraft PI map, with the box centred on the current player location on the Raspberry PI.

To use:

To do - save() and restore() functions for safety, use the 'bulk' methods (getBlocks and setBlocks) for a speed boost, and to implement a block-mapper that masks those blocks that Minecraft PI does not support.
