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Fall 2024 GSS will be held weekly on Thursdays 2:20 - 3:20 pm ET in TBA

The Graduate Student Seminar (GSS) is a weekly seminar in the Brandeis Mathematics Department run by the GSS organizers: Joshua Perlmutter and Sarah Dennis, on the behalf of the Graduate Student Representatives.

GSS is a great way to learn how to give research talks

It's difficult to overstate the importance of communicating your research effectively.  You can speak about whatever you're reading now, your research, or something you think all math grad students should know. So, join us and learn the skill many mathematicians never learn.

The seminar is by grad students and for grad students only! Faculty are not allowed to come.

You can view some previous semesters' schedules by using the navigation at the top of the page.

Fall 2024

Title: The building blocks of spiderwebs

Abstract: Believe me when I say that there are some unforgiving infinite type surfaces out there, let alone locally finite graphs. In this talk I plan to share a compactified notation that I have been working on that describes all locally finite graphs up to proper homotopy. The same notation would work for infinite type surfaces. I then plan to share a few structure theorems I found and give examples of locally finite graphs with exotic properties. This talk relies on a bit of topology and includes some set theory as well!

Title: Stable ergodicity and centralizers

Abstract: Our goal is to prove that a non stably ergodic affine automorphism on a compact homogeneous space admits an affine approximation with an infinite dimensional centralizer. In this talk we’ll try to explain a baby version of the aforementioned result.

Title: TBA

Abstract: TBA

Title: TBA

Abstract: TBA

Title: TBA

Abstract:  TBA

Title: The mapping class group of a graph, LFG!

Abstract: TBA

Title: TBA

Abstract: TBA

Title: TBA

Abstract: TBA

Title: TBA

Abstract: TBA

Title: Hierarchically Hyperbolic Groups Relative to Morse Local-to-Global Groups

Abstract: TBA