INDO code
We have implemented the INDO/S Hamiltonian into the public release of MOPAC2016, now available as an open-source package ( The INDO/S Hamiltonian (or equivalently, ZINDO/S) has parameters designed specifically to reproduce vertical excited-state energies using a configuration interaction approach with single excitations (CIS). We have shown that the solvatochromic shifts computed using INDO/S and the COSMO solvent model are in good agreement with experimental results and comparable to the accuracy of typical DFT functionals. The INDO/S Hamiltonian has also shown success in understanding excited states with large double-excitation character using either single and double excitations (CISD) or a multi-reference approach (MRCI). The code also includes our INDO/S parameters that reproduce the optical properties of silver clusters.
The key features we have implemented in this code are:
INDO/S Hamiltonian for main-group elements and transition metals (note that parameters for many transition metals are relatively untested)
All default INDO/S parameters can be modified by reading in parameters from an external file
INDO/CI using single excitations (CIS), single and double excitations (CISD), and multiple reference determinants (MRCI)
COSMO implicit solvation with state-specific excited-state corrections for all CI methods
Electric field effects on ground and excited states
Several examples of typical input and output files are available from
Analysis Scripts
We have also released several Python scripts to analyze INDO output files from MOPAC2016. These scripts are available at
The scripts are: Computes a Lorentzian-broadened absorption spectrum. Computes cube files in Gaussian .cub format for visualization of molecular orbitals, transition densities, and changes in electron density. Computes the polarizability of the system at a given frequency. Creates a MOPAC input file for a geometry displaced along a normal mode. Computes the frequency-specific Raman intensity of vibrational modes.