Get to Know Ms. Zielke

Travel—In 2010 (Wow! 12 years already!) I completed my goal of visiting all 50 states and set a new one of visiting the 63 national parks. I have been to 42 of them, so I’m more than halfway there. Finding the beauty we have in the USA is what I love along with taking photos of it.

Watching Chicago Sports—I’m a sports fan and love to watch our Chicago teams, whether they win (Still living in the glory of the 2016 World Series and the 1985 Super Bowl!) or lose. Here’s hoping there will be more post season play for the CUBBIES in the years to come as we know it isn’t happening this year. There is still hope for the Bears and Blackhawks this year! Although I am a Cubs fan, I will cheer on the Sox as that is who my father and brothers rooted for while I was growing up. Hoping they make it into the postseason, since my Cubbies aren’t. Thank goodness for the Chicago Sky bringing winning basketball to the city, but I’m also always hoping for a better Bulls season, and maybe this is their year.

Disney—Although I don’t get to the parks as often as I would like, I am fascinated by all that Walt Disney created and what his company continues to create from movies to parks. His dreams and determination to not let anything get in his way are something I keep in mind as I go through life. I love to be creative and look forward to what adventure might come in each new day.


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