WelcOMe hOMe
Yoga, anyplace, anytime - Feels so Good! *Hallelujah*
When I am not teaching my Zen Hatha/Raja YogaBliss group classes, private session, workshops in New York; I am traveling to many different places. Sometimes giving workshops at Ashrams, Retreats, Wellness Programs, and sometimes traveling solo to explore all the wonderful places on God's beautiful Green Earth.
Welcome to Bonnie's Yoga Shala (Shala is a sanskrit word meaning “home”. Therefore, a yoga shala is a gathering place for students of yoga to practice, share, experience and grow.)
I'm so glad you stopped by to visit my website. If you are new to Yoga or just want to learn more about me, you might want to start with my Bio page. My website is full of great information. I hope you enjoy it! Feel free to contact me if you have any questions, and please 'Like' me on Bonnie's Yoga Shala Facebook Fan Page!.
Namaste, and have a blessed day 🦋
YOGABLISS practices are IN-PERSON & Virtual on SKYPE
What's new
2025 Prices & Cancellations_- Less then 24 hour cancellation will be charged
Grow & explore with Sunday Morning Master Class Workshops in February - July 2024
Buy on-line Lovely Gift Certificates & Healing Group "DISCOUNTED Packages"
Remember to request an official Shala invoice for submission to your HRA/FSA for reimbursement! Prevention is always less expensive than treatment.
When I am not teaching my YogaBliss group classes, private session, workshops in New York; you can join me throughout Mexico in Cancun, Puerto Vallarta, Cabo to Loreto at the Yearly Tafer Wellness Signiture Events happening in JUNE of 2023 & passed October, November, & December.
2025 Mask-optional for practice. We continue to practice in-person and online via Skype. If you were exposed to COVID-19, we invite you to practice with us online; if you are not feeling well, we invite you to wear a mask during practice. Wearing a mask continues to be a sign of love and care for our community in Yoga as we work to protect one another from the pandemic as well as other viruses and infections. - Click Here to complete your Covid-19 screening FORM 24 hours prior to class attendance & Review rules with regulations