Publications & Media

Publications & Presentations

Centring Individual Animals to Improve Research and Citation Practices.
(2022, Biological Reviews). Volsche, S., Root-Gutteridge, H., Korzeniowska, A., & Horowitz, A.

Dogs Produce Distinctive Play Pants: Confirming Simonet.
(2022, ISAZ Conference Presentation). Volsche, S., Brown, C.,
Gunnip, H., Kiperash, M., Root-Gutteridge, H., & Horowitz, A.

Factors Influencing Compassion Fatigue in Veterinary Professionals.
(2022, ISAZ Conference Poster). Cobb, S., Lang, N., & Volsche, S.
View Poster.

Humane Education Curriculum Encourages Middle School Interest in Idaho Humane Society.
(2022, ISAZ Conference Poster). Hedelius, H., Pegram, L.,
& Volsche., S.
View Poster.

Characteristics of Human Caregiving and Companion Animal Attachment in a Finnish Sample.
(2022, ISAZ Conference Presentation). Volsche, S., Schultz, S., Alsaifi, S., Melamies, M., & Pulkkinen, J.

The Difference is in the Details: Attachment and Cross-Species Parenting in the United States and India.
(2021, Anthrozoös). Volsche, S., Mukherjee, R., & Rangaswamy, M.

Pet Parenting in the United States: Investigating an Evolutionary Puzzle.
(2021, Evolutionary Psychology). Volsche, S.

Multispecies livelihoods: a posthumanist approach to wildlife ecotourism that promotes animal ethics.
(2021, Jrnl of Sustainable Tourism). Thomsen, B., Thomsen, J, Copeland, K., Coose, S., Arnold, E., Bryan, H., Prokop, K., Cullen, K., Vuaghn, C., Rodriquez, B., Muha, R., Arnold, N. Winger, H., & Chalich, G.

COVID-19: Companion Animals Help People Cope during Government-Imposed Social Isolation.
(2021, Society & Animals). Johnson, E. & Volsche, S.

Owner Sex and Human-Canine Interactions at the Park
(2020, Anthrozoös) Volsche, S., Johnson, E., Reyes, B., Rumsey, C., Murai, K., & Landeros, D.

Not the Cat's Meow? The Impact of Posing with Cats on Female Perceptions of Male Dateability
(2020, Animals) Kogan, L., & Volsche, S.

An Exploration of Attitudes toward Dogs among College Students in Bangalore, India
(2019, Animals) Volsche, S., Mohan, M., Gray, P.B., &
Rangaswamy, M.

Pet Parents and the Loss of Attachment
(2019) Volsche, S.
in Pet Loss, Grief, and Therapeutic Interventions: Practitioners Navigating the Human-Animal Bond (eds. Kogan & Erdman)