
Message to Parents

As a parent myself, I know we are always just a phone call or text away from helping our children.  We are their support system, their biggest cheerleaders, their role models and their protectors.  As parents of juniors and seniors, you have been slowly taking a step back in holding their hand through this educational journey in order to prepare them for college.  Even though you may not fully be in the "loop" at this stage in their lives, I know you still enjoy a view from afar. By the end of my course, I want each and every one of my students to feel successful and look back and say, Wow! I learned, and REMEMBER a lot of physics!  I want them to see the physics around them in their daily lives.  I want them to talk about physics at home with you!  And most of all, I want to share my excitement for physics and learning with them in hopes that it just may rub off on them too!  It's going to be a great year.  Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.  I've listed some ways you can do this in the Communication section below.  


You may choose to be a part of Google Classroom, as a parent/guardian.

Google Classroom - will be used to assign classwork and post course files.  I can grant you parent/guardian access, but you must specifically request this within your students Google Classroom. Parents are not allowed to join the Google Classroom themselves.  

Email Account - will be used for longer messages that may also require attachments.  You can email me anytime at 

Course Info

Click on the course your student is taking below.  The linked document is shared with students on the first day of class.  You will see a list of classroom materials, resource links, and policies.

AP Physics 1

AP Physics 2

AP Physics C

Class Safety

Students must adhere to the safety guidelines outlined in the safety contract linked below.  

Safety Contract

Parent Form

Please fill out the parent form linked below.  I would love to know any extra insights you can give me regarding your child.  I will send emails from time to time with information regarding scholarships, summer programs or just class information.

Parent Information Form  

Teacher Wish List

Paper Towels

Expo Markers

Batteries (any size!)