Grading, Expectations, and Procedures

Grading, Expectations, and Procedures


Classroom Expectations

As a student at Kerr Middle School, all students are expected to follow the KMS School Conduct Policy. Within this policy, we hold certain expectations of our students, and they are as follows:

  1. Be in assigned seat ready to work when the bell rings.
  2. Bring/Have paper, pencil, pen, and books every day.
  3. Keep hands, feet, books, and objects to yourself.
  4. Respect all people and property. Treat others the way you want to be treated.
  5. Follow all directions and ask questions if you don't understand.

Disciplinary Procedures

The disciplinary procedures at KMS cover the tardy policy, cell phone policy, and behavior policy:

  • Tardy Policy
    • 1st Time - Warning
    • 2nd Time - Parent Contact
    • 3rd Time - Parent Contact/ASD
    • 4th Time - Parent Contact/ASD
    • 5th Time - Office Referral
  • Cell Phone Policy
    • First Offense - Phone is confiscated, turned into the office, and student retrieves at end of the day.
    • Second Offense - Phone is confiscated, turned into the office, and parent/guardian retrieves.
    • Third Offense - Phone is confiscated, turned into the office, and will be returned to parent/guardian upon receipt of $15.
    • Fourth Offense - Phone is confiscated, turned into the office, office referral given, and will be returned to parent/guardian upon receipt of $15.
  • Behavior Policy
    • Level 1 Behaviors: Offenses that will be handled first with teacher interventions; behaviors that continue to lead to office referrals and additional consequences.
    • Level 2 Behaviors: Offenses that will lead to immediate office referrals.


Grading in our class will follow the BISD grading guidelines for all of middle school. Read them here:

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