Jason Wilson's Home Page
Jason Wilson
Professor of Mathematics & Statistics
Statistical Consultant
Director, Quantitative Consulting Center
Math and Computer Science Department
Biola University
13800 Biola Ave.
La Mirada, CA 90639
Office: (562) 903-4741
j a s o n . w i l s o n @ b i o l a . e d u
Recent Courses Taught
MATH 380 Statistical Consulting Practicum
MATH 332 Mathematical Statistics
MATH 331 Probability -- Webcasts
MATH 319 Statistics II
MATH 318 Biostatistics -- Webcasts, R Materials
MATH 210 Introduction to Probability and Statistics -- Webcasts, R Materials
BBST 465 God & Math
GNST 102 First Year Seminar
Ph.D Applied Statistics, University of California, Riverside, 2008
M.A. Applied Mathematics, Cal State Fullerton, 2002
M.A. New Testament Studies, Biola University, 1999
B.S. Mathematics, Biola University, 1996
B.A. Biblical Studies and Theology, Biola University, 1996
As you can see from my academic history, I moved from pure math, to applied math, to statistics. The hand of God in my life drew me to study the Bible and theology throughout.
The sub-discipline in my doctoral program was genetics, as I am interested in the quantitative study of the building blocks of life. This led to my research regarding bioinformatics, microarrays, high dimensional data, and probability of correct selection (PCS).
Since becoming a faculty at Biola, I have begun more teaching-oriented writing.
Currently working on a book tentatively titled Statistics and Faith.
On a personal level, my wife and I are transitioning towards an empty nest with one daughter about to graduate from college and the other engaged to be married.
Math/Stat Stuff
My Class Resources
Online Data Websites
Collection of links: Jo Hardin's "Data Sources Page"
Curated repository: The Data and Story Library
US Data: Census Bureau and Centers for Disease Control
Global Data (curated): Gapminder
Math/Stat Websites
Information for Students Requesting Letters of Recommendation
Of Personal Interest
Names in Gospels & Acts as Statistical Evidence for Historicity of Bible (11 min.)
Names in Gospels & Acts as Statistical Evidence for Historicity of Bible Interview (60 min.)
The Biola Hour -40 min. Biola chapel interview on God & Math stuff, 2024 (interview 12:12 - 50:25)
Teaching in the Spirit - 50 min. session of the Rise Up conference of Christian Educators, 2021
The Information War, Uncensored - 90 min. event addressing the spiritual connection between the 2020 riots, media bias, and the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Beauty in Mathematics - 34 min. interview on the God in Creation blog by Tyler Young, 2020
Seeing God and His Beauty in Math - 30 min. interview on the Think Biblically podcast with Sean McDowell & Scott Rae, 2019
Revelation Presentation + handout - 75 min. summary of my view of the structural keys to the book of Revelation; given to the SonRise Sunday School class at the Grove in Riverside, January 2013
Roadmap to Spiritual Maturity - 5 week series I taught on the the stages of spiritual maturity in 2007; inspired by the spiritual theology of St. John of the Cross; includes a 14-page handout
Recommended Websites
www.everystudent.com - Resources for college students exploring "the God question," faith, morality, and the meaning of life
www.apologetics.com - "Challenging believers to think and thinkers to believe"
Joshua Project - Best site I know of on missions statistics
Frontier Ventures - Find out the latest on how the church is doing in fulfilling Jesus' Great Commission
bible.cc - Quality on-line Bible resource
Abort73.com - Things about abortion the media doesn't want us to know
https://louengle.com/ - Calling the global church to prayer & fasting
www.intelligentdesign.org - Intelligent Design Website
www.financialsense.com - Weekly financial news podcast