Call for Abstracts

Call for abstracts is now closed.

Register to participate in STCAN 2013!

We are looking for speakers who can present innovative, high-quality research on state-topology coevolution in adaptive networks. Each presentation will be 20~30 minutes long. The relevant topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Theoretical foundations

  • Mathematical/analytical approaches

  • Statistical/machine learning approaches

  • Computational modeling/simulation tools

  • Real-world examples

  • Applications to biological network modeling

  • Applications to social network modeling

  • Applications to engineered network design

  • Historical review

If you are interested in giving a contributed talk, please submit an abstract to the Symposium Chair by April 10th, 2013. Your abstract should:

  • Contain the title of your talk, the list of authors and their affiliations, and the contact information (email) of the corresponding author.

  • Include a summary of your talk (up to 500 words).

  • Be formatted as a single PDF (max. 2 pages).

Your submission will be reviewed by the organizers and a notification will be sent back by April 20th. Accepted abstracts will be edited in a booklet and will be distributed online as well as in print at the symposium. It is also planned to publish a post-symposium collection of selected papers (pending publisher’s approval).