Call for Presentations

Abstract submission is now closed. This page is kept for archival purposes.

We are glad to announce that the winner of the best contributed presentation will receive a free registration to NetSci2017! The selection will be based on submitted abstracts. The notification will be made before the NetSci 2017 early registration deadline.

We invite presenters who can share their work on Network Science and Education. Presentations can be either oral or poster. Each oral presentation is planned to be about 15 minutes long. Posters will be presented at the symposium venue during the entire symposium and there will also be a dedicated short ignite talk session for posters. The relevant topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Outreach activities, tools, and materials

  • Curricular development and practices for teaching network science

  • Use of network-science concepts and tools to teach traditional subjects in K-12 education

  • Teacher education, informal education

  • Network modeling and analysis of educational systems, curricular materials, classroom/school dynamics

  • Applications of network science for the improvement of education

If you are interested in presenting at NetSciEd6, please submit a brief abstract to the Symposium Organizer by March 12th, 2017. Your abstract should:

  • Contain the title of your presentation, the list of authors and their affiliations, and the contact information (email) of the corresponding author.

  • Include a summary of your presentation (up to 300 words).

  • Be formatted as a single PDF (max. 2 pages).

Please indicate your preferred style of presentation (oral or poster) in your email. Your submission will be reviewed by the organizers and a notification will be sent back by March 26th. Accepted abstracts will be edited in a booklet and will be distributed online as well as in print at the symposium.