
Contacted Speakers:

  • Vittoria Colizza (Inserm, France)

  • Manlio De Domenico (Fondazione Bruno Kessler,Italy)

  • Ismo Koponen (University of Helsinki, Finland)

  • Giacomo Scettri & Irene Estebanez (IFISC, CSIC-­UIB, Spain)

  • Hiroki Sayama (Binghamton University, USA)

  • Massimo Stella (Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy)

  • Toshihiro Tanizawa (National College of Technology, Kochi College, Japan)

  • Liubov Tupikina (Ecole Polytechnique, France and SciEd Network)

  • Paul van der Cingel (Research voor de Regio, the Netherlands)