Binghamton Biological Soft Matter Mechanics Lab

Dr. Guy K. German

Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences.




Ultraviolet light induces mechanical and structural changes in full thickness human skin 

ZA. Ittycheri, Z. W. Lipsky, T. Hookway and G. K. German

(Accepted for publication in Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials) 


Mechanisms and Implications of Bacterial Invasion across the Human Skin Barrier

Z. W. Lipsky, M. Patsy, C. N. H. Marques, and G. K. German

(Accepted for publication in Microbiology Spectrum) 

Systematic evaluation and modeling of SARA-CoV-2 UVC Disinfection

S. Freeman, K Kibler, Z. W. Lipsky, S. Jin, G. K German and K. Ye

Scientific Reports, 12: 5869. 

Biomechanical fracture mechanics of composite layered skin-like materials

C. Maiorana, R. Jotawar and G. K. German

Soft Matter, 18, 2104 - 2112 


 Hyperelastic Material Properties of Axonal fibers in Brain White Matter

P. Chavoshnejad, Guy K. German and M. J. Razavi

Brain Multiphysics, 2, 100035 

 Effect of collagen degradation on the mechanical behavior and wrinkling of skin

P. Chavoshnejad, A. H. Foroughi, N. Dhandapani, G. K. German, and M. J. Razavi 

Physical Review E, 104, 034406 


 Mechanical, compositional, and microstructural changes caused by human skin maceration.

N. Dhandapani, K. Samuelsson, M. Sköld, K. Zohrevand, and G. K. German

Extreme Mechanics Letters, 41, 101017 

 Lipid depletion enables permeation of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria through human stratum corneum.

Z. W. Lipsky, C. N. H. Marques and G. K. German, 

Tissue barriers 8(2)


Embedding topography enables fracture guidance in soft solids

C. H. Maiorana, M. Erbe, T. Blank, Z. W. Lipsky, and Guy K. German

Scientific Reports 9: 13493.

Ultraviolet light degrades the mechanical and structural properties of human stratum corneum

Z. W. Lipsky and G. K German

Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 100, 103391

Non-invasive in-vivo quantification of human skin tension lines

D. Laiacona, J. Cohen, K. Coulon, Z. W. Lipsky, C. Maiorana, R. Boltyanskiy, E. R. Dufresne, and G. K German

Acta Biomaterialia, 88, 141-148


Viscoelastic properties of Pseudomonas aeruginosavariant biofilms

E. S. Gloag, G. K. German, P. Stoodley, and D. J. Wozniak

Scientific Reports 8:9691

Heterogeneous ceramide distributions alter spatially resolved growth of Staphylococcus aureus on human stratum corneum

J. M. Cleary, Z. W. Lipsky, M. Kim, C. N. H. Marques and G. K. German

Journal of the Royal Society Interface 15: 20170848.


Electrospray Deposit Structure of Nanoparticle Suspensions

N. Brown, Y. Zhu, G. K. German, X. Yong, and P. R. Chiarot

Journal of Electrostatics 90, 2017: 67-73

Nanoparticle Size-Specific Actin Rearrangement and Barrier Dysfunction of Endothelial Cells

Y. Liu, N. Rogel, K. Harada, L. Jarett, C. H. Maiorana, G. K. German, G. Mahler, A. L. Doiron, Nanotoxicology, 2017: 1-11

Non-ionising UV light increases the optical density of hygroscopic self assembled DNA crystal films.

A. E. Gasperini, S. Sanchez, A. L. Doiron, M. Lyles and G. K. German

Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 6631

Control of human skin wettability using the pH ofanionic surfactant solution treatments

L. Bromberg, X. Liu, I. Wang, S. Smith, K. Schwicker, Z. Eller, and G. K. German

Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 157, 366-372

Measuring and modeling contractile drying in human stratum corneum

X. Liu and G. K. German

Journal of Visualized Experiments  e55336


The global mechanical properties and multi-scale failure mechanics of heterogeneous human stratum corneum

X. Liu, J. Cleary and G. K. German

Acta Biomaterialia 43, 78-87

Acta Biomaterialia


The effects of barrier disruption and moisturization on the dynamic drying mechanics of human stratum corneum  X. Liu and G. K. German,

Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 49, 80-89


Traction Force Microscopy in Physics and Biology

R. W. Style, R. Boltyanskiy, G. K. German, C. Hyland, C. W. MacMinn, A. F. Mertz, and E. R. Dufresne,

Soft Matter 10(23), 4047-4055


Patterning Droplets on Surfaces by Durotaxis

R. W. Style, Y. Che, S. J. Park, B. M. Weon, J. H. Je, C. Hyland, G. K. German, M. Power, L. A. Wilen, J. S. Wettlaufer and E. R. Dufresne,

Proceedings of the National Academy of the Sciences 110(31), 12541-12544

Surfactant treatments influence drying mechanics in human stratum corneum

G. K. German, E. Pashkovski and E. R. Dufresne, 

Journal of Biomechanics 46(13), pp. 2145-2151.

Imaging stress and strain in the fracture of drying colloidal films

Y. Xu, G. K. German, A. F. Mertz, E. R. Dufresne

Soft Matter 9(14), 3735-3740


Heterogeneous drying stresses in stratum corneum

G. K. German, E. Pashkovski, Y.Xu, A.F. Mertz, C. Hyland, W. C. Engl and E. R. Dufresne,

Biophysical Journal  102(11), pp. 2424-2432.

Scaling of Traction Forces with Size of Cohesive Cell Colonies

A. F. Mertz, S. Banerjee, Y. Che, G. K. German, Y. Xu, C. Hyland, M. C. Marchetti, V. Horsley and 

E. R. Dufresne. 

Physical Review Letters 108, 198101.


The spreading behaviour of viscoplastic drops

G. German and V. BertolaColloids and Surfaces A: Physiochemical and Engineering Aspects 366, pp. 18-26

The free fall of viscoplastic drops

G. German and V. Bertola

Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 165, pp. 825-828.

Formation of viscoplastic drops by capillary breakup

G. German and V. Bertola

Physics of Fluids, 22, 033101.


Review of drop impact models and validation with high viscosity Newtonian fluids

G. German and V. Bertola.

Atomization and Sprays 19, pp. 787-807

Impact of shear-thinning and yield- stress drops on solid substrates

G. German and V. Bertola.

Journal of Physics : Condensed Matter, 21, 375111.