

Teacher Development & Evaluation

Q-Comp was enacted into law through a bipartisan agreement in the Minnesota Legislature in July 2005.  It is a voluntary program that allows school districts and exclusive representatives of the teachers to design and collectively bargain a plan that meets the five components of the law. The five components under Q-Comp include Career Ladder/Advancement Options, Job-embedded Professional Development, Teacher Evaluation, Performance Pay, and an Alternative Salary Schedule.  Click for a link to the MDE Q Comp website.

Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose School District and Education Minnesota-Buffalo jointly approved the Program for Professional Development Plan (PPD) during the 2014-2015 School Year and began implementation of the plan during the 2015-2016 school year.  It was re-approved for the current school year in March of 2021.  

This table explains the expectations for the Program for Professional Development (PPD) and requirements under Teacher Development & Evaluation (TDE).

Previous PPD/QComp Documents

Updated & Current PPD/QComp Documents

Q Comp "Long Form" Application 2014 (PDF). The application does not reflect changes described on the program update form(s). 

Memorandum of Agreement 

PPD "Short" Form - This is a summary of the Application and was shared with BHM staff in March 2015, including updates and revisions for the 2016-17 school year. 

Q-Comp Approval Letter (PDF) - This was the approval letter that we received from MDE after the submission of the Application.

Program Update Form 2015-16

Program Update Form 2016-17

Program Update Form 2020-2021

Proposed Plan Change Presentation 2023-2024