Crisis Resources

Berkeley emergency crisis services:

Berkeley Mobile Crisis (510) 981-5254 (emergency response including police)

Berkeley Specialized Care Unit (510) 948-0075 (mental health specialized care response - no police)

California Youth Crisis Line:  1-800-843-5200 (24 hrs)

Crisis Support Services of Alameda County:  1-800-273-8255 (24 hrs)

ORCA (Organizing and Responding to Crisis for Alameda Youth) Short term suicide focused therapy to keep youth safe:  1-800-260-0094

Call Teen Line Online:  1-800-TLC-TEEN (6 pm - 10 pm)

Alameda County Crisis Response Services:

Center for Young Women's Health (self injury, health, nutrition, sex, etc) :

The Trevor Project (for Teens dealing with depression, suicidal thoughts, self-harm, divorce, relationships and more:

Housing Food and Unemployment:

Teens for Life:  Alameda County Suicide prevention resource:  Teens for Life Resource PDF