Mrs. Garcher's Google site!

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Welcome to the 2022-2023 school year!!!

I teach Scholarship Geometry and Algebra 1 this year at Ferguson Hall.

All About You (for my students)

Parent survey

Thank you for visiting this survey! It should take less than 5 minutes to complete.

August 15, 2022

Dear Parent(s) and/or Guardian(s),

Welcome to the new school year! I am looking forward to working with you and your student. I hope that your student feels comfortable, safe and motivated in my class. As I have communicated to your student, I would like to help them achieve great success and reach their academic goals this year. To that end, PLEASE encourage your student to reach out should they need help with anything. I will always make time to work with your student, I just need to plan accordingly! I am confident that your student will do well if they think positively, stay focused & ask for help when they need it!

In order for our classroom community to stay strong, students are expected to follow the rules and procedures in our classroom and those of the school as a whole. If they choose not to, we will proceed with consequences appropriate to the nature of their behavior. If there are any questions, I am more than willing to discuss them with you.

I believe in constant communication with both my students and you, as their parents or guardians. In order to do this in the most efficient manner, I send weekly email updates to all parent(s)/guardians(s) with our schedule and any other pertinent information. Your students receive the same information at the same time via a Canvas Announcement. Our class structure this year will include video lessons posted to Canvas along with all appropriate resources and assignments. In the event that a student is absent for just a fraction of a class period or for multiple days, they can access their work easily. I also strive to update Progress Book daily. I invite you to email me with any questions you may have regarding Canvas or Progress Book and I will do my best to answer them.

I hope to be able to easily reach you should a need arise, thus I would appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to fill out the survey below by Friday, August 19th.

You play an important part in your student's school success. Please have a conversation with your student about your student's positive behaviors within the classroom and study habits in and out of the classroom. Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have and I look forward to working with you and your student this year!

Best Regards,

Mrs. Ashley Garcher

Mathematics Teacher

Important Links:

{username & password provided the first week of school}