Student/Parent Handbook

Philippi Middle School

Student/Parent Handbook


611 Cherry Hill Road

Philippi, WV 26416

Phone: 304-457-2999

Student Name _____________________________

Team Teacher _______________________ Grade ______________

As required by federal laws and regulations, the Barbour County Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, disability, or national origin in employment or in its educational programs and activities. Inquires may be referred to Jeff Kittle, Title IX and Michael Ferguson Section 504 ADA Coordinator, Barbour County Board of Education, 45 School Street, Philippi, WV 26416, telephone number 304-457-3030, or the Department of Education’s Director of the Office for Civil Rights.

Please Sign and Return


My child and I have reviewed the Student Handbook/Policy Manual from Philippi Middle School for the 2019-2020 school year.

Student Name ___________________________________________

Student Signature ________________________________________

Parent Name ____________________________________________

Parent Signature _________________________________________

West Virginia Department of Education Policies may be found in their entirety at the following web site:

Barbour County School Policies may be found in their entirely at the following web site:,%20Policies%20and%20Procedures.htm

Commitment to Learning for All through

Pride Motivation and Success

West Virginia Board of Education Mission

The West Virginia Board of Education establishes policies and rules to assure implementation of West Virginia's

Education goals and to ensure the general supervision, oversight and monitoring of a thorough and efficient educational


West Virginia Board of Education Goal

The West Virginia Board of Education will provide a statewide system of education that ensures all students graduate

from high school prepared for success in high-quality postsecondary opportunities in college and/or careers.


1. All students enrolled in West Virginia public schools shall behave in a manner that promotes a school environment that is nurturing, orderly, safe and conducive to learning and personal-social development.

2. Students will help create an atmosphere free from bullying, intimidation and harassment.

3. Students will demonstrate honesty and trustworthiness.

4. Students will treat others with respect, deal peacefully with anger, use good manners and be considerate of the feelings of others.

5. Students will demonstrate responsibility, use self-control and be self-disciplined.

6. Students will demonstrate fairness, play by the rules, and will not take advantage of others.

7. Students will demonstrate compassion and caring.

8. Students will demonstrate good citizenship by obeying laws and rules, respecting authority, and by cooperating with others.

West Virginia Department of Education Policies may be found in their entirety at the following web site:

Barbour County School Policies may be found in their entirely at the following web site:,%20Policies%20and%20Procedures.htm


8100 Equal Educational Opportunities

8200 School Attendance Areas

8210 Attendance

8220 Early Entrance into Kindergarten

8230 Drop Out Prevention Program

8240 Closed Campus

8300 Student Rights and Responsibilities

8310 Student Council

8400 Student Code of Conduct

8410 Cell Phone Use in Schools or on Work Time

8420 Bullying, Harassment, and Intimidation

8500 Emergency Preparedness

8510 Search and Seizure

8600 Student Insurance Program

8700 Communicable Disease

8710 Medication Administration

8800 Student Gifts and Solicitations

8810 Student Imaging

8820 Student Fees, Fines, and Charges

8830 Student Fundraising Activities

8900 Procedures for the Collection, Maintenance, and Disclosure of Student Data

Printed copies of all policies are available upon request.


· Students should not arrive at school before 7:20 a.m., unless dropped off by a Barbour County Schools bus.

· Parent Drop Off for students is at door #5. This is the door by the cafeteria. However, the drop off point will be at the back corner of the gym. Enter at the top of the hill and exit via Jenny Street. Students must be dropped off prior to 7:41 a.m. in order to get to first period on time.

· All students must be in school by 7:45 AM as this is when first period class begins and the start of instructional day. Students arriving after this time will be counted tardy which also goes on record as an absence. Students arriving late must be signed in at the office by a responsible parent/adult before going to class. NO EXCEPTIONS!


· Student dismissal is at 3:10 p.m. All students must leave the school grounds at this time unless under the direct supervision of the activity sponsor.

· A student who must leave during the day must be signed out in the office by a parent/adult who is legally responsible for them and listed on the emergency card. Be prepared to provide proper identification and allow for ample time for the student to be called from class and go to their locker.

· Parent Pick Up for students is at door #5 beginning at 3:10 p.m. This is the door by the cafeteria. The pick up point will be at the back corner of the gym. Enter at the top of the hill and exit via Jenny Street. Please provide a note if your child is parent pick up all year. You will not need to sign them out as in the past. You will be given a tag with a number unique to your child to display in your vehicle.

· If your child is to go home by a different manner than established at the start of school, a written note must be provided that day giving specific instructions. For the safety of our students, we cannot accept bus notes over the phone.

· Walker will be dismissed after the busses pull out.


· All visitors must report to the office upon arrival. No one is permitted to enter the building through any other entrance. Visitors must sign in and out of the school when present. Credentials shall be worn by all adults in the building at all times to identify themselves as part of the safe schools plan.

School Attendance – see also Barbour County Policy 8210

· All students are required to submit written excuses for each day absent.

· All tardies (late arrivals/early departures) will be kept track of in WVEIS and require a written excuse.

· Any absence not meeting the state’s requirements shall be considered an unexcused absence for the purpose of this policy.

· Students have three school days to turn in excuses for absences and tardies. They can be hand-written and sent with your child. Additionally, they can be emailed to If you do not receive an email confirmation that it was received, please follow up with a phone call to the secretary at (304)457-2999.

· Up to five parent excuses can be written each semester. Excuses from a doctor are not limited.

· Excused absences include illness, death or serious illness in the family, calamity, failure of a bus to run, extra-curricular activities, or school approved educational leave.

· See sample below to help assure accurate record keeping.

Today Date

(First and Last name of student) was absent on (Date of Absence[s]) due to the following

(Please state the specific reason).

Parent Signature

Make Up Work Policy

· When a student is absent, it is his/her responsibility to get the make-up work from the teachers. Students can check daily posted assignments in the classrooms. A student will be given the same number of school days to complete the make-up work as he/she was absent. (Example: 1 day absence = 1 day to complete make up work, 2 days absence = 2 days to complete make up work, etc.)

· Make up work will be sent home by the school upon request if a student has been absent for 3 or more days.

· If a student has been absent near the end of a grading period, the student will be given an “I” (incomplete) until the work is completed by the due date. That grade will then be averaged and officially changed.

Bus Transportation

· The bus driver has authority over the students on the school bus. He/She expects each student to be safe, polite, orderly and respectful and to follow the rules posted on the bus by the State Department of Education.

· Each student is required to be at the bus stop on time. The bus driver cannot wait for students. If it necessary to get off the bus at another stop, students must bring a note from home signed by the parent or guardian stating this request clearly. The principal or designee must sign this note. However, when buses are running at capacity, bus notes may not be approved due to overcrowding.

· Bus notes will not be able to be faxed or called in. Please make those arrangements prior to the school day.

Child Nutrition Program

· Students are encouraged to take advantage of school breakfast and lunch.

· Meals are provided at no cost.

· Due to county policy, we do not allow outside food to be brought in during the school day. You may pack your students lunch and send it with them in the mornings. Drinks must be in a closed container. In case they forget their lunch, please remember they may eat in the cafeteria free of charge.

Illness and Injury

· A student who becomes ill or injured will be sent to the office by his/her teacher. An assessment of student needs will be made in the office. A student should never go to a restroom and stay when he/she is ill. In case of illness or injury, every attempt will be made to contact the parent by phone to arrange transportation home. We have no facilities at school to handle seriously ill students.

· The school cannot give any type of medication to a student without a doctor’s prescription – this includes Tylenol and cough drops. All medications must be deposited with the secretary in the original container and doctor’s note (The Barbour County BOE Medical Form must be filled out and signed by the doctor.) For the safety of your child, parents should make the school aware of any health problems of your child. Students are not to give medicines of any kind to other students. This includes over the counter products. This is a very serious issue and may result in suspension or law enforcement notification.

Academic Information – see also Barbour County Policies 7200 & 7400

· Report cards will be issued to students at the end of each nine-week grading period. The report card is the primary report to the parent concerning the student’s academic progress and should be studied carefully by the parent.

· Midterm Progress Reports will be sent home by individual teachers at the mid-point of each nine weeks. However, you may check LiveGrades at any time. Student grades are updated on a weekly basis. You can also send communications to the teacher through LiveGrades.

· Homework is generally defined as content-related activity assigned to be completed outside of the school. The student must take responsibility for completion of the homework assignment. It is encouraged that you set aside a time for completion during your evening routine. A homework help room will be available at lunch time. Students that do not complete their assignments will be automatically assigned homework help.

· Honor Roll lists will be completed at the end of each nine-week grading period to recognize those students who have performed above average academically. The Principal’s Honor Roll is for all students that have a 4.0 for the nine weeks. For the “A” honor roll, a student must have a 3.6-3.99 grade point average. To be eligible for the “B” honor roll, at student must have a 3.0-3.59 grade point average. Students with an “F” in any subject are not eligible for honor roll status.

· Retention of students will be based upon county policy.

· Scholars Club – Membership in this club represents high academic achievement at Philippi Middle School. Membership is based on a student earning the “A” honor roll eight times. Once a student meets admission standards, he/she stays a member until being promoted to high school.

· Academic Hall of Fame – Membership in this club represents the highest academic honor a student can receive at Philippi Middle School. Membership is based on a student earning “A” honor roll status during each grading period in grades 5-8. Each member will receive a lamp of learning medal and will have their picture displayed.

Textbooks & Student Planners

Free schoolbooks are issued to all students. The students are expected to keep the books, clean, free of marks and in good repair. Students are responsible for textbooks and workbooks until the end of school. They must be returned in good condition. Otherwise, parents may be required to pay for lost or damaged books. Additionally, students are expected to utilize a planner in their classes. The planner is provided free of charge. However, if lost it must be replaced at a cost of $4.00.


Students are expected to follow the rules. In-school and out-of-school suspensions are disciplinary actions assigned only by an administrator. Both the administration and teachers have the ability to assign lunch detention. A partial list of school rules are in the student planner. Administrative judgment will be used based on severity and repetition of rule violation.

Cell Phones & Electronic Devices

· The office phone is a business phone. Only when a child is sick will the student be allowed to use the office phone. NO EXCEPTIONS! Parents may leave important messages with the secretary, but students will not be called out of class to receive a phone call. Cellphones & Electronic Devices are not to be in use during the school day. Any cellphone that is visible is considered to be in use and will be confiscated and sent to the office. Any cellphone that rings, dings or vibrates during a class will be considered in use confiscated and sent to the office. Habitual violations will result in disciplinary consequences.

Devices will be confiscated by the teacher and turned in to Office. If a student uses their phone to contact a parent when sick instead of going through the appropriate office procedure, the cell phone will be considered “in use” and in violation of the cell phone policy. It is best to leave valued items at home.

Expected Student Behaviors:

  1. Students must have their chrome book, planner and textbooks in class every day.

  2. Walk at all times.

  3. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.

  4. Use appropriate language.

  5. Use an inside voice in large areas such as the cafeteria, hallways and in the classroom.

  6. Display good manners. Say “please” and “thank you” and clean up after yourself.

  7. With the exception of breakfast, no food or drink is allowed in the classroom.

  1. Keep your backpack or string bag in your locker and not in the classroom.

  2. Follow all the classroom expectations of your teachers.

  3. Treat your friends and teachers with respect and treat OTHERS the way that YOU want to be treated.

  4. Conduct yourself with dignity. NEVER bully or harass others.

  5. Fighting is NEVER and acceptable behavior for ANY reason.

  1. Choose a healthy lifestyle! Keep our school drug, alcohol and tobacco free.

Dress and Appearance

We ask that student dress appropriately for school to maintain an environment conducive to learning.

· Students are not permitted to wear hats/caps or any type of head gear in the building.

· Shorts and skirts are permitted as long as they reach mid-thigh.

· Clothing should be worn in a manner that does not expose one’s undergarments.

· Shirts with no sides or that show the midriff are not acceptable.

· Clothing which promotes or depicts drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or other inappropriate products and/or foul or suggestive language or slogans are not permitted.

· Shoes must be worn at all times. Steel-toed boots or boots with metal tips are not allowed.

The administration reserves the right to determine if a student does not meet proper dress requirements.

Students will be asked to change clothes or call home for appropriate attire. Habitual violations will result in disciplinary consequences.

Attendance, Academic and Behavior Expectations

We, the faculty and staff of Philippi Middle School, recognize that behavior is intrinsic to how we are treated as human beings; therefore, we feel that positive support begins with recognition of good behaviors. At Philippi Middle School good behavior will be recognized within different areas of the student’s daily activities by giving positive acknowledgements. Acknowledgements will be given for a combination of improved academics, improved behavior, and good attendance in a school wide program. We further recognize that each teacher has his/her own means for providing positive support within his/her classrooms.

Each nine weeks at Philippi Middle School we will hold a behavior incentive activity. This is a day of activities or a field trip which students earn by meeting the following high expectations during each nine weeks. Students are encouraged to keep track of where they stand for earning the incentive in order to help self-regulate their behavior. To qualify for the incentive students must:

· Have no F’s in any classes when the incentive is determined as recorded in LiveGrades or on their report card.

· Be assigned no more than three detentions.

· Have zero days of ISS or OSS.

· Have zero bus suspensions.

· Have no more than one unexcused absence. Please note that three unexcused tardies (leaving early or arriving late) will count as one unexcused absence for the purpose of the incentive.

Please note: Various social activities (dances, lock-ins, ball games, etc…) will be held after school during the school year. These are activities that students enjoy and provide a meaningful experience they will long remember. Only Philippi Middle School students are permitted to attend. Any student who has received an in school or out of school suspension the day of the activity will be ineligible to attend. Additionally, on the day of the activity you must have been present in school to attend.


· Upon completion of paperwork, lockers will be assigned at the start of the school year. Students are responsible for maintaining their locker in as neat a manner as possible. Students will be held responsible for damage to lockers, including graffiti, broken clips, and locks. Students are not to put stickers or pictures on lockers. Damage will be billed to parents/guardians and the students’ privilege to use a locker may be suspended and will be punishable at level to be determined by administration.

· Combination locks are not to be tampered with in any manner. Disciplinary action will be taken. Broken locks will be paid for by the student.

· Lockers may be searched at any time by the principal or other school personnel for contraband items.

· Student can be at their lockers during designated times (before 1st period, before lunch, after lunch and before and after gym and before 10th period). Permission is required to be at lockers during unassigned times.

Extracurricular Activities

· All students participating in extracurricular activities must meet eligibility requirements. All athletes must maintain a 2.0 grade point average from the previous semester period in order to maintain their eligibility.

· All students and parents will be required to attend a mandatory meeting to go review all extracurricular policies and sign off on additional handbook requirements.

After School Activities and Tutoring

· All after school activities are a privilege and need to be treated as such.

· All school rules apply to all activities and events that are during or after school hours.

· After school tutoring and morning tutoring are for help on school assignments. If a student attends tutoring he or she will be expected to have work and will be asked to leave if they do not.

· Tutoring is not to be used for socializing or “gaming”.

Volunteers and Chaperones

· Barbour County Board of Education promotes and encourages school volunteers in order to expand and enhance parental and community involvement with schools while ensuring the maintenance of an adequate and appropriate level of safety and security in each school.

· The principal shall determine the need for school volunteers. The principal is the sole decision maker regarding the need for a volunteer(s) in the school. An individual who wishes to volunteer at a school shall be interviewed and approved by the principal prior to serving as volunteer at the school. A rejected volunteer applicant may appeal the principal’s decision to the Superintendent, whose decision shall be final. Prospective school volunteers as defined above shall complete all volunteer forms provided to schools including a volunteer application form, a background investigation authorization and release and a volunteer release form.

· All Chaperones must be approved by the Principal and approved by the Barbour County Board of Education.

Pesticide Application Notification/Asbestos Management Plan

Barbour County Schools is asbestos free. The pesticide notification letter will be sent at the beginning of the school year, and it needs returned with your child. In the event that pesticides are used in the schools a notification letter will be sent home.

Parent-Educator Resource Center

The Barbour County Schools’ Parent-Educator Resource Center is located in the Activity Wing at Belington Middle School. The center provides direct assistance and information on education and parenting issues. A lending library of books and videos on topics such as homework, discipline, self-esteem, and various disabilities are available. All services are free and confidential. For more information call the school office.

Technology Usage

The student and parent/guardian must sign the County Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) prior to the student using the school’s computer facilities. Violations of this AUP will be dealt with according to state, county and school procedures.

All students will be issued a Chrome Book at the beginning of the year. Students must take the chrome book home each evening to charge it and to complete homework as assigned. Students will be responsible for having their device charged and ready to use in all of their classes each day. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary consequences.

Safety Drills

Fire drills are conducted ten times during the school year for the protection and safety of the students and staff members. Fire drill procedures for individual classrooms will be explained by the teacher. Fire drill regulations and escape route maps are posted in each classroom.


1. When the alarm sounds, quickly fall in line and exit following the established route.

2. Stay with your group. Maintain order and silence. Walk at all times.

3. The teacher will be the last person leaving the room with the class role book making sure the doors and windows are closed.

4. Teachers will take role before students will be readmitted to the building. Students temporarily away from their regular classroom are to join the nearest line in making an exit and once outside should rejoin their class so their teacher may take an accurate role.

5. All students must be clear of the driveway and pavement in front of the building to allow emergency vehicles room to reach the building.

Philippi Middle School also practices other safety drills throughout the year. These include, but are not limited to weather drills, bomb threats and lockdown drills. If you are present in the building, you will be required to participate.

In the event of an evacuation or other emergency, parents/guardians will be asked to stay clear of the area while students are under the school supervision. No student will be released until the situation is deemed safe to do so. Please be patient! When practical and student safety is assured, you will be permitted to claim students from a designated location with proper identification and only if listed on the emergency (orange) card of the student.

Regular Bell Schedule

7:20 All Staff on Duty

7:20 Doors Open/1st Bus Arrives

7:20 – 7:41 Students Report to Gym or Homework Help Room

7:41 – 7:45 Students to Lockers

7:45 – 8: 32 First Period

8:32 – 8:34 Change Classes

8:34 – 9:27 Breakfast/Second Period

9:27 – 9:29 Change Classes

9:29 – 10:16 Third Period

10:16 – 10:18 Change Classes

10:18 – 11:05 Fourth Period

10:05 – 10:07 Change Classes

11:07 – 11:37 Fifth Period / Lunch / Intramurals

10:37 – 10:39 Change Classes

11:39 – 12:09 Sixth Period / Lunch / Intramurals

12:09 – 10:11 Change Classes

12:11 – 12:41 Seventh Period / Lunch / Intramurals

12:41 – 12:43 Change Class (Students to Lockers)

12:43 – 1:30 Eighth Period

1:30 – 1:32 Class Changes

1:32 – 2:19 Ninth Period

2:19 – 2:23 Class Changes (Students to Lockers)

2:23 – 3:10 Tenth Period

3:20 Late Bus

2 Hour Delay Schedule

9:20 All Staff on Duty

9:20 Doors Open/1st Bus Arrives

9:20 – 9:41 Students Report to Gym or Homework Help Room

9:41 – 9:45 Students to Lockers

9:45 – 10:15 First Period

10:15 – 10:17 Change Classes

10:17 – 10:53 Breakfast/Second Period

10:53 – 10:55 Change Classes

10:55 – 11:25 Third Period

11:25 – 11:27 Change Classes

11:27 – 11:57 Fourth Period

11:57 – 11:59 Change Classes

11:59 – 12:29 Fifth Period /Lunch/Intramurals

12:29 – 12:31 Change Classes

12:31 – 1:01 Sixth Period /Lunch/Intramurals

1:01 – 1:03 Change Classes

1:03 – 1:33 Seventh /Lunch/Intramurals

1:33 – 1:35 Change Class (Students to Lockers)

1:35 – 2:05 Eighth Period

2:05 – 2:07 Class Changes

2:07 – 2:37 Ninth Period

2:37 – 2:40 Class Changes (Students to Lockers)

2:40 – 3:10 Tenth Period

3:20 Late Bus

2 Hour Early Dismissal Schedule

7:20 All Staff on Duty

7:20 Doors Open/1st Bus Arrives

7:20 – 7:41 Students Report to Gym or Homework Help Room

7:41 – 7:45 Students to Lockers

7:45 – 8: 15 First Period

8:15 – 8:17 Change Classes

8:17 – 8:53 Breakfast/Second Period

8:53 – 8:55 Change Classes

8:55 – 9:25 Third Period

9:25 – 9:27 Change Classes

9:27 – 9:57 Fourth Period

9:57 – 9:59 Change Classes

9:59 – 10:29 Fifth Period / Lunch / Intramurals

10:29 – 10:31 Change Classes

10:31 – 11:01 Sixth Period / Lunch / Intramurals

11:01 – 11:03 Change Classes

11:03 – 11:33 Seventh Period / Lunch / Intramurals

11:33 – 11:35 Change Class (Students to Lockers)

12:35 – 12:05 Eighth Period

12:05 – 12:07 Class Changes

12:07 – 12:37 Ninth Period

12:37 – 12:40 Class Changes (Students to Lockers)

12:40 – 1:10 Tenth Period

1:20 Late Bus