Concert Attire

Students are expected to dress as outlined by the director for each performance. Concerts are cultural events that express the value of fine arts in our society. Musicians should dress to maintain the dignity of the occasion and the honor of this organization. Students should dress appropriately for all concerts whether formal or informal. Modesty is the best policy! Natural hair colors and simple hairdos are preferred. No hairdo should obstruct any part of the face. As for jewelry, only small earrings will be acceptable. No other jewelry unless authorized by the director will be accepted.

Concert Attire

Students should wear the following for all formal performances unless directed to do otherwise:

  • a solid white 3/4 or full sleeved dress shirt

  • long black dress pants

  • black closed toe shoes (less than 2 inch heel).

All items should be neatly pressed and appropriately hemmed. This is not the time to show your individuality. Choral music is all about being a part of the team and we will look like a team. Students will wear their choir t-shirt for some performances.

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