September 20, 2021

Belgrade-Brooten-Elrosa School District ISD#2364

Every Student, Every Day, Any Way.

Monday, September 20 , 2021

ESSER Public Work Session, 6pm

BBE Elementary, Brooten, 7pm

School Board Agenda

  1. Call Meeting to Order

  1. Approval of Agenda

  1. Comments from Public: public participation policy

  1. Approval of Consent Agenda

4.1 Approve Minutes from August 16, 2021 Minutes

4.2 Approval of Bills Bills, Wires, Student Activity

4.3 Approval of Personnel Personnel

4.3.1 1.0 Family Liaison/ ELL Teacher Job Description

4.4 Donations Donations

4.4.1. Lucille Olson-Music Program

4.4.2. Randy/Carol Boie- FFA

4.4.3. J.A. Wedum- Equipment Jagways

4.4.4. Kevin Zaun- General

4.5 EDIAM Authorization Authorizations

  1. Communications

5.1 Mr. Walsh Reports

5.2 Mr. Gossen Reports

5.3 Ms. Dingmann Reports

  1. Old Business

6.1 District Goals

6.2 Committee Updates

6.3 Esser Funds Allocations ACTION

  1. New Business

7.1 Truth in Taxation Document ACTION

7.2 PSEO-Ridgewater Agreement ACTION

7.3 21-23 Non Certified Master Agreement Agreement ACTION

7.4 509 Open Enrollment Policy (1st Reading) First Draft-Policy ACTION

7.5 Policy Review Policy INFORMATION

7.6 Preliminary Pay 2022 Levy Levy ACTION

  1. Adjourn