Ms. Marking and I will be using a class house system for both of our classes (IDL and B&M). This includes a house sorting Google Meet, where students are placed into houses. Each house has a back story , students will be "sorted" into a house system randomly and they will work together to earn points for their individual houses.

Click HERE to see how students can earn and lose points.

Every month, whatever house is in the lead will spin a wheel and they will earn whatever the wheel lands on (extra house points, lunch bunch-even online, and other prizes) Every nine weeks, whatever house is in the lead will get a special surprise, and at the end of the year the house in the lead wins a class party. **(Innovative learning classes and Brick and Mortar class prizes will be different)



Student Expectations

  1. Students are expected to be online at 7:30am Monday through Friday. After that time, students will be marked tardy in Focus.

  2. Students are expected to have their own device in order to be successful during IDL.

  3. Students are expected to be “present” for classroom work/ discussions/ meetings from 7:30am-2:30pm (K-2) and 7:30am-2:40 (3-5), Monday through Friday, and follow their class schedule.

  4. Students are expected to be appropriately dressed for learning. (No pajamas, costumes, etc.)

  5. Only the student(s) that are assigned to the class should be “present” at the classroom work/discussions/meeting sessions.(No siblings, relatives, pets, etc.)

  6. Students are expected to have a designated work space free from distractions.

  7. Students are expected to be honest and complete assessments independently and not obtain help from parents.

  8. Students may ask for some help from parents on assignments, but need to conference with teachers if there is a skill that is not understood, so that further teaching can be done.

  9. Students are expected to complete assignments on time. Late assignments will result in a zero.

  10. Respect teachers and classmates in written, and spoken communication.

  11. Students may not log on to a Google Meet before the teacher logs on. If so, the student must log out and wait for the teacher to initiate the meeting.

Parent Expectations

  1. Check emails from teacher(s) and school promptly.

  2. Review weekly newsletters/announcements promptly.

  3. Ensure your student is present on time.

  4. Encourage your student to put forth their best effort on all assignments.

  5. Provide an organized, functioning workspace.

  6. Help your student manage virtual assignments as needed.

  7. Reinforce integrity, honesty, and ownership in their work.

  8. Communicate with the teacher(s) any questions or concerns.


Positive reinforcement is how our class runs, and it does run well (you just all have great kids).

If infractions are given, I will put a colored dot sticker in their planner. Written on that dot will be the number they broke from the 25 Expectations list. The students planner will need to be signed by the parent when infractions are given and any questions you may have I will gladly answer. I have let everyone of them know that infractions are earned because we hold them accountable for their choices and actions. We love them and so we hold them accountable.

*Please sign your child's planner daily. The top 3 things 5th grade students get infractions for: not having homework completed (#21), not having their planner signed (#22), and not having a belt (#15).

Gold Standards of Excellence

"Standards by which we live"

Three Keys to Success: Visionary Leadership, High Teacher Quality, Parent Involvement

25 Expectations for Student Behavior

The Haven schools offer a first-class education for students with an emphasis on building good character and cultivating strong values. This is accomplished through the collective efforts of all adult stakeholders at each of the schools. As stated in Havens Gold Standards of Excellence: The Basic, adults are expected to "Be consistent, be prepared, and be fair, equitable and compassionate. Demand and expect the best from all students and adults in the organization." As active participants in the development of each student, parents teachers, staff and administration shall hold all students to the following behaviors.

All adults (Parents and Staff) will do their best to ensure that each student will:

1. Say "please" and "thank you."

2. Say "ma'am" and "sir" when responding to any adult.

3. Not walk between adults who are speaking.

4. Not interrupt adults who are speaking (includes talking while the teacher is talking).

5. Say "excuse me" any time they interrupt or walk between someone.

6. Hold open doors for others.

7. Walk on the right side in a quiet, calm manner while moving around campus and in a straight line when asked.

8. Offer to help others.

9. Say "I'm" sorry" when they make someone else upset or sad.

10. Not spread or start rumors of engage in gossip.

11. Not use inappropriate language.

12. Not argue with adults.

13. Adhere immediately to "Give me five" call for silence.

14. Accept consequences for their actions. (This includes not coming to class prepared with the proper books/supplies.)

15. Wear their uniforms with pride and adhere to the uniform policy according to the student handbook.

16. Come to school clean daily.

17. Clean up after him or herself.

18. Help keep their school clean-inside and outside of the classroom.

19. Use appropriate behavior in the cafeteria.

20. Stand respectfully during the pledge of allegiance and the moment of silence.

21. Complete assigned work.

22. Have parents sign their planners daily.

23. Write a thank you note when receiving a gift.

24. Be respectful and civilized at all BHCA, Inc. extra-curricular activities.

25. Have a respectful attitude and regularly display positive character traits.