
It was only one possession, Why does my coach scream?

My poor ‘D’ allowed a basket, But what does one hoop mean?

As the pass comes my direction, I fumble it into the stands,

My coach’s voice rings loud and clear, “Always use both hands!”

C’mon coach, its one possession, Our team will be OK,

It’s just the first two minutes, I mean really, we’ve got all day!

In the beginning of the 2nd quarter, Their center is strong and stout.

He scores an easy two, quite simply due, From my failure to block out.

It was only one possession, I didn’t commit a crime,

My team is ahead and I’m playing well, And there’s still plenty of time!

As the halftime buzzer sounds, I watch the ball bank in,

I know I will hear it from my coach, Asking why I don’t defend.

But it was only one possession, Coach – don’t have a heart attack,

We’re only down one and we’re having fun, I know we’ll get it back!

The 2nd half is much the same, So it is really no big deal,

That my lazy and careless pass, Results in an easy steal.

I quickly sink a jumper, I’m greeted by high fives and slaps,

But the next time down, I give up a lay-up, While suffering a mental lapse.

It’s only one possession, C’mon coach just chill out!

It’s crazy to see you so mad, As you consistently scream and shout:

“Victory favors the team, Making the fewest mistakes.

Singles possessions are the key, And will cut down their fast breaks.”

I step to the line for a one and one, The game is in my hands.

I can’t believe I missed it short, And hear cheers from their fans.

After the game I pouted, Knowing what I could have done,

Realizing the value of each possession, we lost by one.

Play hard. Play smart. Play Together… every possession.

Alan Stein

George Moriarty

Sometimes I think the fates must grin as we denounce them and insist,

The only reason we can’t win is the fates themselves have missed.

Yet, there lives on the ancient claim – we win or lose within ourselves,

The shining trophies on our shelves can never win tomorrow’s game.

So you and I know deeper down there is a chance to win the crown,

But when we fail to give our best, we simply haven’t met the test

Of giving all and saving none until the game is really won.

Of showing what is meant by grit, of fighting on when others quit,

Of playing through not letting up, it’s bearing down that wins the cup.

Of taking it and taking more until we gain the winning score,

Of dreaming there’s a goal ahead, of hoping when our dreams are dead,

Of praying when our hopes have fled. Yet, losing, not afraid to fall,

If bravely we have given all, for who can ask more of a man

than giving all, it seems to me, is not so far from – Victory.

And so the fates are seldom wrong, no matter how they twist and wind,

It’s you and I who make our fates, we open up or close the gates,

On the Road Ahead or the Road Behind