IBA COVID-19 Response
This is a time of great uncertainty in our world, and while we feel it in every aspect of our lives, how the COVID-19 pandemic impacts our professional lives and the lives of our students is foremost in our minds. Because there is so much uncertainty, and because things can change so quickly, an IBA COVID-19 Response Team was created in order to provide efficient, targeted, and effective support to our membership. The people in this group represent a cross-section of IBA membership, including both active and retired teachers from all six IBA districts with extensive teaching experience at all levels elementary through college. IBA would like to thank these individuals for their time and efforts as our profession navigates this difficult time. This group hopes to provide you with support in three primary ways:
COVID-19 Resources Website: There is so much great work being done in response to COVID-19, both locally and nationally, that it can be difficult to keep up. We created this website to serve as a repository for all of the pertinent and most up to date information being created and compiled regarding our current situation. It will be updated regularly with as much current information as we can find. If you have created or found other resources that you think could be of benefit to others, please let us know by filling out the survey linked below.
IBA Large Ensemble Advocacy Statement: The IBA Large Ensemble Advocacy Statement was created to publicly advocate for the continuation of the large-ensemble experience for all of our students this fall. While the health and safety of our students and staff is paramount, we believe that we can quality provide large-ensemble experiences while making any accommodations that are necessary to keep people safe. You may also find it helpful to download the Arts Education is Essential statement co-created by NAfME, of which IBA is one of many state and national signatories. Please share these statements with your superintendent and principal. It is our hope that these documents will help you ensure that you are able to continue providing the type of high-quality music education that our students deserve.
IBA Suggested Return to Learn Scenarios: As you all work to find the best blueprint to guide your thinking around next fall, IBA would like to encourage you to read the Blueprint for Viable Instrumental Music Instruction put forward by the High School Band Directors National Association (HSBDNA). This document provides both broad and specific suggestions for navigating a variety of COVID-related scenarios for beginning band, middle school band, and high school band by size (1-75, 75-150, and 150+), as well as for marching band. After reviewing many similar documents put forward by prominent national organizations, based on the understanding that we currently have, we believe this document to be the most applicable to Iowa band programs.
Please take a moment to let us know how you are doing and how IBA can help to support you and your district by filling out the survey linked below. Not only will it help us know know how best to serve our membership, but it is also a great way to let us know of other resources that you have created or found that could be of benefit to others.
Thank you for all that you do for music education in Iowa. This is an unprecedented situation, and it's going to take all of us working together to get through this effectively.
IBA COVID-19 Response Team Members
Audra Bailey, Cody and Pleasant View Elementary
Drew Balta, West Lyon Community School District
Paul Brizzi, Ankeny High School, retired
Kyle Engelhardt, Cedar Falls High School
Beth Frenchick, Lincoln Intermediate School, Mason City
Tony Garmoe, Westridge and Clive Elementary, West Des Moines
Alec Garringer, Monticello High School
Jayson Gerth, Southeast Polk High School
Dr. Mark Heidel, University of Iowa
Jeana Larson, Sheldon Middle School
Courtney Ridge, Clarinda High School
Chris Strohmaier, Waukee High School