8th WWII Research Support

Presentation about source types and reliability

To evaluate: A - Who is the author? Are they an expert? B - Are there words used that show the author might be trying to persuade you? Do they include a variety of sources? C- Does it answer at least one research question? D - Is the date a concern? 

Many links below will require a Username and Password


Huxley Library Catalogsearch for books in the Huxley Public Library

Ballard Library Catalogsearch for books in the Ballard Libraries

Ames Public Library Catalog

WorldCat Onlinesearch for books in many libraries. These need to be requested through our library.

Google Books - some books allow you to preview a portion of the book.


Learn 360 

Google - use the Video filter and then "Tools" to choose a longer video length.

Articles or Websites:   

EBSCOhost, 6-12


Google Scholar - search for academic articles

               Search Tips                                                       Citing Sources      

Use “quotes” around terms that you want to search together                      Ballard MLA Guide

AND when you want to search more than one word (fewer results)            Purdue Writing Lab

OR between synonyms (more results)