Due to the manipulation of the money supply in America, one third of the workforce is unemployed and unrest is growing. There are even calls for a return to Greenback money or silver money. As a result, Congress creates the, "United States Silver Commission," to investigate the problem.

This commission clearly understood that the national bankers were the cause of the problem, with their deliberate contraction of the money supply. An excerpt of their report reads as follows,

"The disaster of the Dark Ages was caused by decreasing money and falling prices ... Without money, civilization could not have had a beginning, and with a diminishing supply, it must languish, and unless relieved, finally perish. At the Christian era the metallic money of the Roman Empire amounted to $1,800,000,000. By the end of the 15th century it had shrunk to less than $200,000,000 ... History records no other such disastrous transition as that from the Roman Empire to the Dark Ages ..."

Despite this damning report from the commission, Congress took no action.