2023-4Q: [CRM] Signing Quotes Feature

The electronic document section is extended to include the ability to sign a quote. It allows for an operator to send a quote to a customer to sign. After signing the quote is stored as a pdf with the customers signature on their account in SIMPLer.

To make use of this feature:

    1. Create a quote as you normally would under 'Last 5 Quotes' section

Fig 1: Last 5 Quotes 

  2. On the customer account proceed to the Generate Electronic Document section.  On the console at 'Document To Send' select 'Last Quote' from the dropdown list .

Fig 2: Electronic Document console

    3. Once customer has signed the quote it will be saved as a pdf on their account.

Fig 3: Last 5 Electronic Document

Published Date: 23 October 2023

Engineer: MG

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