2022-1Q: [MAP] Google Map default view

A new feature has recently been added that will set the Map to open by default in the Google Map view. 

It is recommended that operators move to using Google Maps and not use Cesium anymore as this is going to be depreciated and not maintained in the future.

Google Map defaults to display the pins in cluster view, with the default zoom set at 15.  If operator prefers to see individual pins, the SPID Setting 'Override Default Google Map Cluster Zoom' can be set to 5. See Fig.1.

Note: if SIMPLer performance issue is noticed the valued can be increased.

Settings > Modify SPID > Override Default Google Map Cluster Zoom

Fig 1: Settings > Modify SPID > Override Default Google Map Cluster Zoom

Published Date: 23-March-2022

Updated Date: 27-May-2024

Engineer: PD

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