2021-1Q: [ACC] Prorating a First Invoice using a Predefined Invoicing Day

A new feature has been added to enhance the functionality of proration of first invoices.

Previously prorated invoices were only generated using the customer’s start date.

We have now added in functionality that allows a first invoice to be generated on a set billing date that includes the full subscription for the period and also the prorated portion

To make use of this feature:

1. Set a prorated invoice date in the month

Go to => Settings => Modify WISP

Change “Billing – Prorated Invoices (Invoicing Day of Month)” to the day you would like invoicing to take place. This will be used in the proration calculation

Fig 1: Billing – Prorated Invoices (Invoicing Day of Month)

2. Change “Billing Prorated Invoices Mode” from “default” to “combine prorated invoice to billing day invoice”

Fig 2: Billing – Prorated Invoices Mode

Published Date: 14-January-2021

Engineer: MG

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