Written Assignments

Written Assignments  

Democracy Essay: 

Based upon your notes and readings from various sources, identify a developing nation that we will NOT be covering in this class that is transitioning toward a democratic form of government.  Find two CURRENT news articles that demonstrate "growing pains" (i.e., are they moving forward or backward to the concept of liberal democracy).  Identify the elements that are affecting this movement (cleavages, interest groups, etc). 

MAXIMUM-2.5 pages, double-spaced with references properly cited (MLA format).  Works cited page is required as well (NOT part of the 2.5 pages). 

European Union Essays: 

The assessment on the European Union will be a series of essays (2 pages minimum for 1-4, three pages  minimum for 5).  You will select any TWO of the first four topics but ALL must do essay #5. Short papers will be severely penalized.  This is your unit exam and it is in your interest to provide complete, well-written essays. 

1.  One of the most important themes in political life over the last three centuries or more has been the sovereignty of nation-states.  How does the EU undermine that? 

2.  The 1990s were rough times for the EU.  What are two of those difficulties?   Do the resolutions of those difficulties show the promise of the EU or its basic flaws?  Why? 

3.  In what ways does the EU function like an autonomous state?  What keeps it from truly being a "United States of Europe?" 

4.  What are the obstacles to the deepening and broadening of the EU?  How are those forces likely to evolve in the future? 

5.  What are the THREE most important problems encountered by the EU as it expands?  Which problem will be the most difficult to deal with?  Why?  (This essay is MANDATORY!!) 

Use TWO outside sources (besides Hauss) per essay (DO NOT use same sources for multiple essays!).  A works cited page is required (not part of page count). 


China Essay: 

Although there has been economic liberalization in China, the authoritarian Chinese Communist Party regime remains. 

     A.  Identify two specific economic liberalization policies in China. 

     B.  Explain two specific reasons why economic liberalization policies challenge authoritarian rule in China. 

     C.  Describe two strategies that the Chinese Communist regime has used to maintain political control and provide an example of the use of each strategy. 

This paper is due  .  CITE your sources using MLA format. 

Iran Essay: 

The process of democratization elicits both support and resistance.  Respond to the following in the context of the past two decades. 

a)  Describe two measures taken by Iranian political leaders to democratize Iran's political process. 

b)  Describe two ways in which Iranian political leaders have resisted democratization. 

c)  How does this potentially demonstrate either a new direction for Iran or a more "hard line" approach to the regime? 

This paper will be due  CITE your sources using MLA format. 


Nigeria Essay: 

1.  Nigeria's economy since the 1970s has been dominated by the export of one product.  What have been some of the negative impacts on Nigeria's political development and this overreliance on one source of national income?  Provide examples from your reading and from current sources. 

2.  What efforts have Nigerian regimes made to overcome the divisions created by ethnicity, religion and language?  What are two examples that demonstrate that the efforts have been successful, and why have they been successful?  Is there a counter-argument that this success will only be temporary? 

3.  What are three examples of how military rule has benefited Nigeria?  What is one example of how military rule has damaged Nigeria?  Overall, are the benefits more valuable than the damages? Why? 

4.  What aspects of Nigeria's political culture are most important for the survival of the Fourth Republic?  Will those aspects ensure the survival of the Republic after the current presidency?  Use the previous election to support or refute your position. 

You are to respond to any TWO of the above prompts. For each essay, you are required to use THREE outside sources in addition to text and notes.  Each essay should be a MINIMUM of  three pages each, double spaced (short papers will be penalized).  Papers will be due Thursday, APRIL 23.  MLA format, properly cited.


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