About Us

Motto: Chance made us friends, hearts made us sisters.

Core Values: Passion, Leadership, Respect

Founded: October 21st, 2011

Colors: Purple and Teal

Stone: Aquamarine

Flower: Lilies

Mascot: Tiger

Symbol: Key

Z: Zeta for the zeal and passion found within each founding member everything we are a part of.

Φ: Phi for the strength we possess when we come together as individuals (I) to form one sorority (O). Even though we are all different from one another, we can still come together to support and respect one another as one.

K: Kappa for the kindness we feel towards our sisters and community. Through service and charity, we show our compassion for others less fortunate than ourselves.

Core Values: Passion, Leadership, and Respect. The members of Zeta Phi Kappa have created a definition for each of our Core Values in order to make them personal.

Passion: As sisters of Zeta Phi Kappa, we are united through a promise to show our passion for service, sisterhood, learning, and life. Through these passions, we promote personal growth, dedication, and selflessness. As sisters of Zeta Phi Kappa, we demonstrate enthusiasm for our beliefs and values.

Leadership: As sisters of Zeta Phi Kappa, we are united through a promise to exhibit leadership, first, and foremost, by learning to respect and honor ourselves. After learning to respect one’s self, each sister can embrace her individuality and identify her life ambitions. Through personal empowerment, she will remain true to her morals while striving to display positive leadership in her daily life. A sister of Zeta Phi Kappa is sensible, fair, and strong.

Respect: As sisters of Zeta Phi Kappa, we are united by a promise of mutual respect demonstrated by our understanding and acceptance of the unique qualities among us, and by actively conveying kindness and empathy to all despite our differences. A sister of Zeta Phi Kappa displays devotion and respect to her sisters and others within the college and community through equality, acceptance, and loyalty.