Independent Reading 

Battle of the Books

You need to read 20 - 30  minutes every day to help improve your learning!

Battle Books Mrs. D will be reading to you as a read aloud

What is the Battle of the Books?

America's Battle of the Books is a reading incentive program for students in 3rd thru 12th grades. Students read books and come together, usually in groups, to demonstrate their abilities and to test their knowledge of the books they have read. The student competitions are usually similar to the TV series Family Feud or Whiz Kids styles of competitions. However, the structure, format, and rules of the competitions may vary depending on the educational goals, student needs, local resources, and personal preferences at various school sites, school districts, county libraries, or offices of education.

Battle of the Books list - 2023/2024

You can choose to read from the Battle of the Books. This will allow you to participate in the school wide battle in May.

In order to participate in the Battle of the Books,  5th graders need to read 12 books.


You can choose to read books of your choice.   Either way, you must choose a book to read each night.  

Whatever books you choose to read, a comprehension page from your packet needs to be completed once per month to keep track of your progress.  Due dates are listed in the front page of the packet. 

For each book, you can choose any page you like.