
What is a Makerspace?

First its about EXPLORING, and DISCOVERING new ideas, then CREATING and BUILDING. Its about trying SOMETHING NEW, and when you FAIL, TRYING AGAIN. Most of all it's about finding your PASSIONS and then SHARING them with others.

What is a Makerspace?

Its a place where you build, invent, create, product construct and make stuff.

What kind of stuff?

Video, robot, collage, video game, prototype.

What is our Inquiry Process?

Observe, play, ask questions, research, plan, create, learn, present, reflect

What will we use?

Camera, laptops, desktops, low tech (screws, construction items), iPads, lego, found objects...

Why? Constructivism:

We can construct their own understanding through experiencing and reflecting. This gives us control of our own learning.

What will we learn?

Independence, Self regulation, Collaboration, Initiative, Responsibility, Organisation, Knowledge