
These At-Home-Games can be played in a small space and don't require special equipment. Most games can be played with ordinary household items.

Juggling-- You don't need anything special for this activity. You can even use your (clean) paired socks rolled into a soft ball.

        • Start with two and practice tossing one sock ball in each hand and catching them simultaneously.
        • Then practice the switch. Toss at the same time and have the trajectory of one go higher than the other. Catch them in the opposite hand.
        • Step up your game and practice the circle. Right hand tosses and left hand catches. Immediately after tossing with the right hand, grab the ball out of your left hand and toss again, that way the left hand is free to catch. The right arm will move in a circular pattern to perform this.
        • Too easy? Try to have 20 catches in a row without dropping any of the balls. Add a third ball. Throw in some tricks like clapping.
        • Too hard? Use washcloths that act more like our scarves we use in class. Take your time. Work in front of a mirror.

Toss-Clap-Catch-- Again, you don't need anything fancy for this (except for clean socks)

      • You can play this with a family member and try to challenge each other to complete tricks successfully. If you complete your trick your family member has three attempts to perform it successfully. Make sure to give positive feedback if they miss. You could say, "Remember to keep your eye on the ball, or So close, you're gonna get it the next time!"
      • Practice tossing with one hand (underhand) and make sure it comes straight back down to you
      • Pick a trick you're able to complete during the time while the ball is in flight (dance move, clap, touch toes, or a series of these)
      • Catch the ball using two hands.
      • Keep eye on ball as much as possible while in the air (hard to do if you're doing a cartwheel as your trick)

Balloon volley-

      • Keep a balloon in the air using your hands. Volley the balloon as many times as you can without letting it touch the floor.
      • Want to make it more challenging? Use a different part of your body every time, hand, foot, knee, forearm, head etc. Get in a crab kick position and use your hands and feet alternating. Get in a plank position and use your hands. Have more than one balloon? Try to keep them in the air as long as you can. Count your high score and work to break it. Love soccer?-use only your feet.

Balloon Tennis (2 player)

      • You need a blanket for a net, a balloon and two paper plates taped to a small stick (fly swatter, paint stirrer etc)
      • Roll up the blanket and place on the floor in the middle of the playing space. Define the "court" as allowed by the neighboring items
      • Hit the balloon using the paperplate racquet back and forth. Get a point when the balloon lands in your opponents side of the court.
      • Want to make it more challenging? Play seated where your bottom must remain in contact with the ground at all times.

Freeze Dance

      • You need a music source and a method to mute the music occasionally.
      • Play music and start moving as soon as you hear it.
      • When the music stops freeze quickly in the most unique position you can.
      • The last person to move from their unique frozen position wins!


      • You'll need a medium sized indoor ball and 6-13 water bottles.
      • Set the bottles up in a pyramid formation and roll the ball towards the bottles.
      • Each person gets two attempts to knock down all the bottles.
      • If you get a strike (knock them all down on the first try), you get a second turn immediately.
      • Keep track of the number of pins knocked down each round and add them up
      • First person to 100 wins.
      • Make it harder by putting a little water in the bottom of the bottles. Screw the lids on tight!!