May 2019

Meeting Notes

May TCC Updates

19/20 Tentative Meeting Dates

Latest Calendar: click here

2019 AAFC Spring Conference, May 1-3, 2019

Budget Template

FY19 Budget Spreadsheet

Federal Programs District Plan of Support

Adverse Childhood Experience Resources and Information

How to Locate ADE Federal Funds

How to Sign Up for the FMS List

Federal Programs

Sample Salary Projection Worksheet

Video Clips Links

Perkins V



ALE & NSL Presentation

AAEA Legislative Update

2019-2020 School Wellness Reporting Requirements

    1. LS-19-079 19/20 Wellness Reporting Requirements
      1. Beginning on August 1, 2019, public schools shall submit both the district’s and the school’s 2019-2020 Health and Wellness Forms provided within the Indistar platform and by August 1st each year thereafter. SEE EMAIL BELOW: DATE CHANGE

2. Wellness & Then What: Session at Arch Ford May 31

From: Ashley Williams (ADE)

Sent: Friday, May 10, 2019 8:38 AM

Cc: Jerri Clark (ADE) <>

Subject: Change to the Deadline

Good Morning,

We have heard and listened to the concerns regarding the new August 1st deadline for the Health and Wellness reports in Indistar. As I have continued to say, we are monitoring and adjusting on a constant basis, and with the information from various schools, we have decided that the best move forward would be to change back to the original October 1st date. Of course, this goes into effect beginning with the 2019-2020 school year. The recent commissioner’s memo has already been revised and redistributed. I have attached it to this email.

Please help me get this message out to all schools and thank you for your continued assistance.


Ashley Williams

Ashley Williams, MSHS

School Health & Wellness Coordinator

School Health Services

Phone: (501) 683-3604

Fax: (501) 682-4886