Current Events

Every 2 weeks you will be expected to find and print a news article from a newspaper or scientific journal/magazine that is reputable and that relates to the topic of study. The article must have been written within the last 6 months. Your article should discuss a topic relevant to the unit of study that illustrates psychology at work in life and/or society. In your article you should highlight or underline these areas.

When you find an article, you need to complete the current events worksheet and attach it to the article. Follow the instructions as they appear on the worksheet. Remember you will need to submit the completed worksheet and news article to me for a grade. These assignments are weighted as 10% of your final grade.

Current events are due bi-weekly on Fridays. NO late assignments will be accepted.


· Stress & Health

· Anxiety/Anxiety Disorders

· Somatoform or Dissociative Disorders

· Mood Disorders

· Schizophrenia

· Personality Disorders or Drug/Alcohol Abuse

· Types of Therapists

  • You may find a current job posting in this field in lieu of an article this week

· Psychotherapy or Biological Treatment

Hint: If you are having trouble coming up with search terms to use in finding your article, review your textbook. The main chapters of study will be Ch 15, 16, &17. Vocabulary words, names, and concepts would all be great places to start your search.