
Current Events:

Current Event #1: Stress & Health

Current Event #2: Anxiety

Current Event #3: Somatoform

Current Event #4: Dissociative Disorders

Current Event #5: Mood Disorders

Current Event #6: Schizophrenia

Current Event #7: Personality Disorders

Current Event #8: Therapy

Unit 3: Psychological Disorders

Essential Questions: How can normal behavior become abnormal? What are psychological disorders?

Why may some individuals suffer from psychological disorders while others do not?

The goals of Unit 3 include the following:

1. Identify the behavioral patterns that psychologists label as anxiety disorders, somatoform disorders, dissociative disorders, schizophrenia, mood disorders, and personality disorders.

2. Explain the symptoms, causes, and treatment of the above mentioned disorders.

3. Describe several theories that try to explain these disorders.


  • National: IA-3.2d, IA-3.3, VA-1.4, VA-3.1, VA-3.2, VA-4.1, VA-4.2, VA-4.3, VB-3.1

  • Common Core: 10.W.2, 10.W.6, 10.W.7, 10.RST.2, 10.RST.6, 10.RST.7, 10.RST.9

Contact C. Schull by email (schullc@harpercreek.net) or by phone (269-441-8484)