Culinary Arts I


Quick Links:

Course Syllabus

Course Description:

This is an introductory course valuable for all students. It is especially relevant for students interested in careers related to nutrition, food, and wellness.

Major topics include safety and sanitation in the kitchen, principles of food preparation, a variety of cooking methods and techniques, meal planning and plating, nutrition and wellness.

Course Recommendation: This course is recommended for students who want to develop and practice basic cooking skills and/or further their knowledge in culinary arts.

Grading, Student Records, and Homework:

Student progress is assessed during each grading period of the course. Methods of demonstration, teamwork in pairs and small groups, cooking labs, quizzes, tests and projects will be used for assessment. The final for this course is in the form of a project. In the grading system, 80% of your grade is comprised of summative assessment and the other 20% is formative assessments.

Please be aware that student grades will be updated on a weekly basis. If a student misses class or turns in work at a later date, it will be entered in a timely manner.

Homework and Late Work:

Students are expected to turn in work on the due date set by the teacher. If the work is turned in late, it will result in half credit (1 day late) or zero/no credit (2+ days).

Absences and Make-up Policy:

If a student is absent (excused only), they will receive 2 school days to complete the missed work. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain the work missed from the instructor.

If a student misses a cooking lab, they will receive 1 week to make-up the lab. Lab make-up can be done during the assigned FAST or at home. See teacher for lab make-up form.