Monthly e-Statements

E-statement sign up is live. 

Please read all directions before clicking the creation link below. 

I would recommend to use a computer rather than your cell phone.

Follow these steps:

1. Members will have to create an AccessID and password to use this service. Use a familiar login and password for this creation. 

2. You will need your account number. You can find that on any of your quarterly statements. 

Your account number on your statement will contain two digits after the decimal.

Use all digits, before and after the decimal, from your account number, do not enter the decimal.

Ex. #1 - My account number on my statement reads 1234.00, I will enter 123400 when prompted for my account number.

Ex. #2 - My account number on my statement reads 6789.10, I will enter 678910 when prompted for my account number.   

3. When prompted for your social security number, do not use hyphens.

Ex. #1 - S.S. # is 123-45-6789, enter 123456789

4. When prompted for your phone number, do not use parentheses or hyphens.

Ex. #1 - ph. number (507)123-4567, enter 5071234567

If you follow these directions you should experience success setting up your e-statement account. 

Make sure that you click on the continue button at the end of each page as you progress through the set up.

If you do enter data incorrectly, the process will let you know what you did it wrong and you can try again.

Click on the link below to sign up. Select new user option above the AccessID box. 

You will be notified via email during the first week of February when your January statement is available for download.