The Rosicrucians in Michigan Welcome You!!

Greetings and Welcome!

Thebes Pronaos invites everyone to join them
for an Open Discussion Meeting at 1:30pm on the 4th Sunday of the month at the Theosophical Society:
27745 Woodward Ave., Berkley, MI 48072  

All AMORC members are invited to stay for a Convocation at 3pm.

The public and all AMORC members are also welcome to participate in the Wednesday afternoon (4:30pm Eastern) teleconferences hosted by the Department of Instruction of the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC at this link:  Public Teleconferences and to learn more about the Rosicrucian Order here: 

The Rosicrucian Order, AMORC is a community of seekers who study and practice the metaphysical laws governing the universe. The Rosicrucian Order can help you find the answers to questions such as, Who am I? What is self? What is my purpose? What can I accomplish in life? Is there more to this wonderful universe than what I see around me?

The teachings of the Rosicrucian Order cover topics such as meditation, the human aura, metaphysical healing, spiritual alchemy, visualization, the origin of diseases, awakening psychic consciousness, and much more!

The Rosicrucian Order gives members spiritual wisdom, expanded awareness, and Mastery of Life.

For AMORC Members:

All AMORC members are invited to participate in a members-only zoom call at 1:30pm Eastern on the 2nd Sunday of each month and an in-person Convocation on the 4th Sunday at 3pm.  

Please check the calendar for events and visit the Rosicrucian Online Community Events page or the Midwest Region website for other locations with members-only events.