
Our Colorado State A∆K President, Phyllis Robinette, has selected
Universal Accessible Playground of Dreams


Colorado School for the Deaf & Blind

as the Colorado altruistic project for the 2024-26 biennium.

This project has a special place in the heart of our CO President, Phyllis Robinette. When choosing from so many wonderful ideas and projects, she know that choosing something that benefits the entire state and directly benefits students was a priority.

The State of Colorado will be funding 95% of this project, but there are still items on the "wish list" that wer not covered with the appropriated funding. Believe it or not, their current facility has NO adapted play equipment! This opportunity to contribute to fulfilling these students' dreams will be a special opportunity for our organization. Giving students the freedom and independence to find buddies to play with will be life changing,

Here are just a few of the goals for the playground: Handrails surroundingm braille signs, spinners, disc swings, wheelchair swings, 4-person seesaw, bells, drums, chimes, stand-up seesaw, gaga pit, high-back swings, track for bikes and scooters, shaded areas, and so much more!

All donations will go through our Altruistic Chair, Peggy Obert. Find her contact info in the A∆K Directory, of in the chapter president handbook.

A∆K International Altruistic Projects